t w e n t y o n e

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"Francesca, amore mio. We have a meeting" Charles mumbles as he presses a kiss to my cheek, attempting to wake me up

"hmmm what for?" I groan slightly annoyed burying myself further into the pillow and blankets as I feel Charles attempt to pull the blankets away

"i think it's about our contract" he replies, evidently as annoyed as I am.

"what could possibly concern them about it this early in the morning?" I groan lifting my head and looking out the window to see rain pattering lightly on the window.

"i have no idea, I'm convinced they don't sleep at night, but baby come on, the last thing we need to do right now is piss them off" he replies chuckles as I roll onto my back before sitting up, sending him a glare standing at the foot of the bed, wearing a jumper and a pair of dark jeans.

"you'll survive, I'll even give you one of my jumpers" he laughs trying to coax me out of bed.

"fine, but I better not be expected to look my best" I groan tossing the blankets off me as I climb out of bed

"that's my girl" he chuckles as I wrap my arms around my body, only covered by one of his shirts, "come 'ere angel" he laughs opening his arms for me, I walk directly into his chest as he wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"i hate you" I mumble against his chest

"you love me, you hate the bosses, which is respectable because soon it'll be us, but since I do fulfil my promises" he chuckles letting go of me before walking over to his closet and grabbing one of his jumpers before walking back over and handing it to me. "happy now?" He asks chuckling as I pull the hoodie into my chest and it smells like his cologne. I nod silently giving him a small smile

"alright, go change. Then we can get this meeting over with and we can just have a casual day, mostly because its raining outside" he chuckles pressing another kiss to my forehead.

"fine" I pout with a chuckle as I grab a pair of jeans before walking into the bathroom and quickly washing my face before changing into my other clothes and I quickly tie my hair up into a bun on top of my head before sliding on a pair of socks and sneakers. I walk out of the bathroom as I pull the sleeves down on the jumper covering my hands as Charles gets up from the desk as he closes the folder and pulls me into his arms.

"are you alright angel?" He asks softly

"other than the fact you woke me up early and I just wanna go back to bed" I mumble into his chest as he presses a kiss to my forehead

"awee, I'm sorry cherié, once the meeting is done, and I frankly don't think it'll last that long we can spend the day in the lounge? Just us and we can have a day to ourselves" he chuckles as I feel him rest his hand under the jumper on my hips, the skin on skin contact immediately relaxing my tense muscles.

"come on we don't wanna keep them waiting" he mumbles kissing the top of my head again before letting go of my hips and lacing his fingers through mine as we walk out of the bedroom and he leads me through the house before walking up to the office space.

"you ready?" He asks letting go of my hand, clearly wanting to not appear super attached to me.

"yeah" I mumble with a sleepy nod before Charles opens the door for me and I step past his arm holding the door open as I notice Philippe, Lorenzo, one of my fathers representatives  and a few other men in the room, who I can only guess are senior partners, who all agreed to the contract.

"bonjour Charles, bonjour Francesca" Philippe smiles at the both of us as we walk in and sit down in the desk chairs across from them, the representatives attempts to stare me down, I roll my eyes in annoyance as one of the maids walk into the office and hand me a mug of coffee.

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