Authors Note (Important! Please read!)

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Hi everyone! So this isn't a chapter it's just an authors note. I promise the next chapter is coming soon but I wanted to ad on an idea. 

So I had an idea and it involves all of you! I want to bring some new characters. But the catch is the characters are made and thought up by all of you!

So here how it's gonna work. I'll tell you what I need and you can either message/PM me, or just put it in the chat. 

It would easier if you message me so my notifications don't possibly blow up but if chat is easier fort you then that's fine too.

Okay! So lets get started!

This is what I need:

Name: (This can be whatever name you want. Last name and first. It can even be a last name we already know like Charming. Whatever family you want. Even and especially if it's totally made up by you!)

Age: (Whatever age you want. If you want added on age info them tell me about that too.)

Character appearance: (What does you character look like?)

Personality: (What sets them apart from everyone? What are they like?)

Any other facts I should know about them? Anything else you want to say? (For instance, lets say you wanted your character to be idk David's lost sister. Then make sure to tell me that!)

Okay guys! Thank you again for coming on this wonderful journey with me! Also please keep in mind that depending on how many submissions I get, not all of them may make it in. And they might come in in later chapters. But once again thank you and luv u all!


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