Chapter One - The Return of the Lost

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Regina watches in horror as the town rejoices at the new arrivals. Not only is Robin's wife back but her own; dare she say Husband is too. She watches from the door as the kingdom surrounds the once deceased King as he hugs his now full grown daughter; Snow. Then off in the distance a little more back is Robin; the man she loves who is supposedly her solemate, kisses and hugs his long dead wife Marian. Poor little Roland is squished in between the two with a scared, confused face. Today had been so perfect too. And now . . . well now it's horrible. Not only did she lose Robin but the fears she thought were gone or at least hidden and stuffed away deem inside her are back. Her memories and terrors are back. And for once in a very long time, Regina Mills doesn't know what to do.

Emma sits on a stool sipping a cup of hot cocoa. She watches as her mother and the rest of the town enjoy the return of "kind king leopold." Even though she knows she's a hero and saved both Marian and her grandfather she can't help but feel like what she did was wrong. She hears the bell softly ring in the background of talking people. She looks over and sees Regina hurrying out the door. She hops off her stool leaving her cocoa behind and dashes through the clusters of people. Regina huredly walks across the street unaware that Emma is following her. "Regina!" Emma calls out. Regina turns around at her name being called. Emma can see as she gets closer to Regina that the woman has been crying. Wait Regina crying?! She tries to understand what is happening because the Mayer never cries. Or at least not in public. She ponders for a moment if losing Robin had really taken that much of a toll on the queen. Regina's eyes are red as well as her face. She has a sad expression on her face as well as, wait? Is that . . . fear?! Regina seems to notice and understand what Emma just saw. She spins on her heels and continues walking back to her house. Emma quickly sprints after her trying to catch up. As she reaches the queen her hand flys to Regina's shoulder firmly holding her back. Regina turns around. Her eyes try to give of the venom that they usually do but all that comes out of the stare is something she from a young age was told never to have; weakness. Emma stares into her sad, fearful brown eyes. She pulls Regina into her arms and holds her close. Regina out of instinct tries to pry herself out of the savior's arms but eventually gives up and goes weak. Emma continues to hold Regina close. Regina mumbles a "you did this" into Emma's shoulder. Emma nods her head and answers back "I know . . . and I'm so sorry." Regina nods and takes a deep breath. For once she feels somewhat at peace. She was once told that over all other relationships a friendship is one that could never be broken. Since a very young age she never had friends. When she was growing up she wasn't allowed to have friends. Or at least not the ones she wanted. She would always hear things like, "Regina they are below you." or "A lady doesn't play. And certainly not with a peasant." When she was finally out of the clutches of her mother and everyone else. She was too full of vengeance to care about friends. Not that anyone at that time would have wanted to be her friend anyways. After all her and Emma went through. She's glad that finally she might now have someone she can call a friend.

Silence fills the air as both women are lost in thought. The sound of footsteps coming towards them break both women out of thought and crush the silence. Emma and Regina turn to see Snow, Henry, David, the King and many more flooding towards them. Regina snaps into action and disappears in a poof of purple smoke.


The next morning Snow woke up with a smile on her face. Neal's crys filled the room as she went to pick up the crying baby. As she rocks him his cry's turn to soft wimpers. She smiles when she sees her father walk into the room. Images of last night flood into her head. As she thinks back on last night's events she then remembers Regina. Snow at that thought frantically shoots up with wide eyes. Leopold gives his daughter a confused look before saying. "Snow my dear? Are you alright?" she swallows hard and nods numbly. David walks into the room to find his frantic wife and confused father in law. Snow walks up to her husband and hands over the baby. She quickly walks into the other room to get dressed for the day before going over to her step-mother's house. She throws on a white blouse and black leggings before heading out the door giving her father a hug, her husband a kiss and son a kiss on the head.

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