Chapter 1: Y/N Comes to Cappy Town (with Kirby)

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I decided that Kirby and Y/N will crash together into Dream Land. A small warning: I have to listen carefully to what they're saying in the video; which meant that I have listened to the American version instead of the Japanese. I like the American version more. Sorry.



What? What was that noise? What does it mean? Y/N groaned as she felt like two small hands grabbing her cheeks and squeezing them gently. Who was touching her? The girl opened her eyes to reveal a... pink Puffball sitting on her lap? What? What was that creature? The pink ball had two dark pink feet, small cute arms, and hands, and it had also blue eyes. The creature looked at her with interest and curiously too. Looked like he had never seen a human before. Wait... it was a boy, right? Y/N took a look at him and it was indeed a boy. A baby boy! But what was the poor thing doing on this ship? Wait, a ship? Y/N snapped her head towards the window and she was in space! She was indeed on a ship! She began to question herself how did she get here? The last thing she remembered was running away from her parents and falling into a black hole. But hold on a second! Was that blackhole perhaps from space? One of the most mysterious holes ever to be discovered by scientists and so much stuff had to be revealed what secrets the hole might have? What if it was a portal?

"Oh my God..." Y/N mumbled in shock and she couldn't help but be also a little bit panicked. I mean, what do you expect? Sure, space was a very beautiful place to look at stars, planets, etc, but it was a very cold and deadly place as well. Humans cannot live in space! If something had to be done or whatever in space, that job was for the astronauts to do. They're sent by like example NASA to solve the problems and you needed to get like high diplomas. 

The baby boy seemed to notice Y/N's panicked expression and he quickly took action. "Poyo!"

Y/N looked back at the baby Puffball sitting on her lap. Did the baby have a name? Where were his parents? She had so many questions. It seemed like Earth was nowhere in sight nor the Milky Way. If you searched on Google what the Milky Way looked like, you would know. But no one knows at all which direction it might be if you're lost in a goddamn space! But Y/N felt like she'll be somewhere better than her home planet (even though there will be monsters).

Y/N felt like her body was cramping, probably from the sitting position she was now. You could say she was in a position where you'll feel cramps later. She was thankful that the Puffball distracted her from being in a panic state. So when Y/N moved her leg, she hissed and looked at it. She felt like stinging.  Oh God... once she took a look at it, she saw that it was a cut! Not like any normal cut, it looked awful! It looked like it was infected too! What was she going to do now? There doesn't seem to be a first aid kit box or anything. 

"P-Poyo!" The Puffball pointed at her leg. He badly wanted to help his new human friend somehow but you know the problem. No first aid kit box or anything medical on this small ship. 

Y/N didn't want the baby to be upset, scared, or panicked. He was just way too much cute for that. Children weren't supposed to see awful things in their lives. It can cause traumas or worse... Y/N smiled and she patted his head gently. the kid was bald and had no single hair at all. But he was squishy and soft, just like humans but only if their skin had good care since it was so annoying to take care of your body every day in your life. "I'm alright, little one. I just had a rough day. I'm sure that I'll be fine."

The Puffball smiled and said "Poyo!" again. Was this his usual word of responding? At least he understands! But he's still a baby. He then turned around and controlled his ship. Wow, even a baby can drive or fly ships or cars. No, cars would be way too early. Y/N wondered where the small guy was flying to. The beautiful view of the galaxy took her breath away. She always wanted to see the galaxy. She only saw the photos online or read books about it. Whenever she tried to go stargazing or trying to watch the meteoroids, her parents would always catch her, push her roughly inside the house and lock her into the basement, where they were no windows. She was kinda lucky because there was a bed and a lamp. There were even ancient books that she read, and she's fascinated by how authors wrote them a very long time ago.

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