- chapter 21 -

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tommy boy

we are here!!!

tommy boy
im coming down, do you
need to book a room?

okayy, and no, dad already did for me
i just need to get the key card

tommy boy
okay sounds good,
get it while i come down there.



"he's on his way down, let's go get my key card." y/n told the boys who were following her around like lost puppies.

"don't you need to check in?" will asked her.

"my dad booked it already, just gotta get the key." y/n said looking around the hotel for the front desk.

"it's over there." louis said pointing the opposite way y/n was looking. she laughed and started walking towards the woman at the desk. the boys followed her.

"hi." y/n said with a kind smile to the woman. the girl looked up and her jaw dropped.

"you're y/n downey!" she said to y/n standing up straight. will and louis looked at each other shocked.

"that's me." y/n said sweetly, she was used to it.

"oh my god, first tom holland, now you! can i get a picture, if that's okay?!" the girl asked.

"of course!" y/n said. the woman went around to stand next to y/n, y/n crouched down since she was a bit taller as the woman brought out her phone. she took the picture.

"thank you so much!" the woman said looking at her. y/n made it seem like it wasn't a big deal at all, she loved meeting people.

"it's not a problem at all!" y/n smiled.

the two boys who watched the scene from behind her were shocked because, y/n was only in the building less then five minutes and already she was getting recognized.

louis noticed there was some shouting going on behind him, he turned around to see a bunch of photographers and paparazzi, he knew what that meant.

"y/n, you need to get your card, like now." He said walking up to her. will, who saw what louis was talking about joined in helping, he grabbed y/n's suitcase and walked closer to her.

louis motioned for y/n to look outside, she looked and sighed. this, this was the downfall.

"someone probably tweeted i was here." she said before turned to the lady.

"i'm really sorry, but do you mind getting me my key card?" she said in the nicest way possible, trying to hurry. the paparazzi thing was only going to get worse if tom came down while they were still standing around.

"yes, of course!" the woman said, noticing the panic in y/n's eyes. "room number?" she asked y/n.

"214." y/n responded. she nodded and brought out a bunch of cards looking for the right one. she handed it to y/n.

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