- chapter 37 -

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"you know, i kind of figured will helped with all of this."

"well yeah, only because i told you." louis poked her head. y/n had her head resting on louis stomach as they laid on the picnic blanket.

"oh yeah," y/n snickered. "it was definitely not because you texted the group chat instead of me."

he pursed his lips, letting his hand fall on her head. "not my brightest move."

y/n looked over at him through her lashes. "a for efffort?"

louis rolled his eyes and used his hand to shove her face away so she was looking back up at the sky.

she laughed. "i'm just playing, lou. it was adorable."

"will helped, i'll give him that... but everything tom told me, i already knew."


"yeah," he smiled. "but after will got his phone fixed, i told him i wanted to ask you and he freaked."

"i still can't believe i didn't know that you guys knew each other at first."

he chuckled remembering how the group chat started and when they first met. "that day at the airport seems so long ago."

"it really does." she smiled. "i was so nervous."

louis tilted his head against the ground, "why were you nervous?"

"because..." she began. "it's scary meeting people for the first time."

"what do you mean?" he snickered. "you meet your supporters almost everyday." y/n chuckled and shook her head.

"it's not the same, trust me."

she didn't have feelings for her supporters. it was definitely not the same.

before louis could ask further, a phone ringing cut their conversation short."is that yours or mine?" y/n pursed her lips, irritated that they were interrupted.

"yours, i believe."

"fucks sake," y/n murmured to herself, so quietly louis didn't even hear.

sitting up from her laying position, y/n reached for her phone. looking at the caller id, she gasped and shot up to her feet. "holy shit!"

louis, surprised by her reaction, shot up as well. "what happened?"

"it's max." she looked up at him from her phone.

louis stared wide eyed at her, realizing she wasn't answering as it continued to ring. "answer it!"


she scrambled trying to answer it before it was too late.


louis stared as she listened to the other end of the line.

"told you we would call." max spoke to her. "so i have some news."

"good or bad?" she inhaled. louis motioned with his hands so she would tell him what was going on. sighing when she put up her index finger, silently telling him to wait. he was impatient.

"that's up to you."

"okay. okay. i'm ready, just tell me." she shut her eyes.

"you got the part."

snapping her eyes open. her jaw dropped. was she surprised? yes. did she expect anything less? no.

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." she kept muttering to herself, a huge smile permanently on her face. louis stared at her with wide eyes, still waiting.

"we haven't called anyone else, main role got notified first, thus this phone call right now..."

"thank you, but..." y/n looked at louis, too scared to ask but also wanting nothing more than to know if he got the part of her co-star. she needed to know. "do you mind if i ask-"

"louis partridge got the role of jordan styne."

y/n slapped her hand over her mouth, trying to contain her excitement... even though she was about to combust into a million pieces. it was perfect. everything was falling into place.

louis lifted his arms dramatically, letting them slap his sides as they fell down.

"max, i'm with him right now." she stared at the boy in front of her.

louis dropped his expression. what the hell was she talking about?

"put it on speaker."

doing as max requested, y/n put the phone on speaker, grabbed louis by the front pocket of his hoodie, dragging him closer so she could hold the phone between them.

"louis? you there?" max spoke out, hoping that they could both hear him.

"yes, yes i'm here?" louis was confused.

"so first things first." max was looking through the list of the cast in his own office. "i think it's pretty much obvious that y/n did indeed, get the main role of ariana wadsworth."

louis wasn't surprised, though he did snap his head up from the phone to look at y/n, only seeing her shake her head with her finger up. it wasn't over yet.

"you, louis partridge, got the role of jordan syne." max spoke very clearly. "congratulations, both of you."

louis was starstruck. he got the part. he was going to be the half of the two main roles. with y/n.

"thank you so much, max." louis rubbed his chin, smiling like an idiot.

"no problem at all. you guys deserve it. this saturday, though." he got straight to the case. "you both need to come into the office to meet your cast mates. filming is going to take a while, and we need to get on top of it, got it?"

max didn't wait for a response.

"we don't plan on waisting any time. remember. this saturday. same place as auditions. show up, meet your cast mates, then we got a show to film."

"sounds great. we'll be there." y/n nodded, even though max couldn't see.

"you better. talk to you both soon." and with that, max hung up the phone.

snapping their heads at each other, the two waisted no time— not even a second, before tackling each other in a huge hug. it was starting to become a normal thing for them. and they both had no problem with it.

"oh my gosh." y/n breathed out into his neck.

"we did it."


author speaks.

they did it. and it's only the beginning.
how do you guys think ethan will react
to this? and what about the new cast?
you guys know what that means.

as always,
put y'all's seat belts on.
or don't. yolo.


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