- chapter 29 -

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the tension was extreme. and not in a good way.

louis and ethan have never had one singular conversation, yet it was like they hated each other for a mutual reason.

louis didn't necessarily hate ethan, it just bothered him that ethan didn't even try to deny the rumors that were now spreading about him and y/n.

surely, y/n told him who she actually likes, right? louis didn't know what to think. but it seemed like he needed to hate him at the moment, since it felt like ethan hated him.

ethan crossed his arms, "so... you and y/n?"

louis pursed his lips. of course he would ask that.

"me and y/n." he repeated. ethan turned to him. "yeah, she's pretty great, right?"

it was louis turn to face him.

"she's really great."


in the other room, y/n pushed any thoughts about the boys away. this was her time to work. she needed to focus, she thought about what she came to london for. she came here for work, not for a boy, and she intended on keeping that mindset.

y/n smiled at the people sitting down at a long table, a girl who she assumed was on the casting team motioned for her to move to the middle of the room, kindly. y/n made her way.

"hey, y/n." max smiled walking to take his seat in the middle of the table.

"hey, max."

"so, we're gonna give you a script of a scene from the show, you will preform this scene for us as best you can. i will be reading for the role of jordan styne, and you will be acting the role of...?" the same woman asked.

"ariana wadsworth." max and y/n said at the same time.

y/n kept a straight face the whole time she spoke, it was one of her techniques, well... one of her dads. 'show no emotion, they won't be able to figure you out... show the emotion when you act so they can figure the character out, not you.' her dad used to tell her. ever since her first audition that was her routine, she knew who she was and she knew she was talented. she was her father's daughter after all.

"okay! let's get started. we'll be filming if that's alright."

"of course." y/n spoke as a man walked up to her with the script of the scene.


the woman cleared her throat. "ariana, you don't get it, you don't understand-"

"no, i do understand. and that's the issue."


author speaks.

there will be social media involved in the next chapter. william, will also be in the next chapter, i'm gonna be making it long since the last few have been short 😩

dont forget to vote! comment, comment, comment! i love hearing what you guys have to say, its my favorite part of the day. this is a safe place, so please comment whatever you like. i check all the time! 😋

someone commented about making a groupchat on instagram for this story, i thought that was an extremely fun idea, props to that person. so if you want to go ahead and comment your instagram, my @ is voidunmasked, i'll be making it <3

 so if you want to go ahead and comment your instagram, my @ is voidunmasked, i'll be making it <3

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