Chapter 5: Bonding With Nixie, Jealousy, and FaceTime with Xena and Gabrielle

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A few days later, Valerie decides to mingle with the other members of the tribe. She is slowly getting to know each one. She apologizes to those she majorly messed up, especially Nixie.

"So, you are a medicine-woman? What do you do?" Valerie asks.

"I deal with massage therapy with a holistic approach," Nixie says. "I can help you relive past life memories through massage techniques, whereas Sofi can tap into past lives through meditation."

"Cool," Valerie says. "Kind of like a physic thing?"

"In a way, yes," Nixie says, smirking a bit. "I believe our past Amazon sisters do live in us in a way."

"Like reincarnation?" Valerie asks.

"No. I would say that they are with us in spirit form." Nixie says.

Valerie looks off into the distance, then back at Nixie and asks, "So, what's it like knowing Xena and Gabrielle?"

Nixie smiles and says, "It is an honor." Nixie says. "They handpicked each of us to be the 21st-century amazons because they saw something in us. The stories I've read about their past lives and adventures are truly amazing."

"I have a feeling it was," Valerie says, smiling.

"Can I ask, what brought you to Sedona?" Nixie asks.

Valerie gets a sad look on her face and says, "When my adoptive parents kicked me out, I was living on the streets of Chicago. It was pretty rough, you know, with a city like that. After six months of living on the streets, I was able to get into a shelter for teens. The people who ran it were very nice, helped me go online to do some school work, and in return, I would play guitar for anyone who'd listen. Then the funding for the shelter ran out, and all of us needed to find other places to live, and I was scared. The last night I stayed there, I had a dream that I was supposed to come here, that I would find my true purpose. So, I was able to get enough bus fare by playing guitar to come down here. Yeah, I've been in and out of trouble with the law, but you got to do whatever you can to survive. I still don't know what my purpose is here; all I know is I hope I will know soon."

Nixie smiles at Valerie and says, "We all have a purpose in this world. Sometimes it'll sneak up on us when we least expect it."

Valerie smiles and says, "Why don't you tell me how you all met Xena and Gabrielle!"

Nixie tells the story of how Cyane and the rest of the Amazons met Xena and Gabrielle when Nyx and Dre walk in. Nyx looks over at Nixie and Valerie and bitterly says to Dre, "Look at that shit! She's acting like she's known Nixie forever!"

"Queen Sydney and Cyane says she's a true Amazon. They've been working with her for a few days now, and she's blown them away by what she knows." Dre says. "Maybe queen Sydney is right! Maybe she is a reincarnated Amazon."

Nyx shakes her head no and says, "I don't believe it. She's lived on the street for three years. She had to have learned it from somewhere. You know what I think! She's trying to move in and take one of our positions!"

Dre looks at Nyx seriously and asks, "Are you jealous of Valerie?"

Nyx scoffs at the question and proclaims, "No! I just think the kid is moving in to replace one of us, Dre. I'm going to find out what she's really about. Something about her bugs the hell out of me." Nyx walks away, leaving Dre with a serious look on her face.

Later that day, Sydney sits in her office with some of the books of Artemis. Suddenly her laptop chimes, and it's a Facetime message from Xena. Sydney smiles and hits the answer button. A video of Xena and Gabrielle pops up, making Sydney smile. "Well, hello, you two!!" Sydney says.

"Hey, sis!" Xena says, smiling.

"Hi, Sydney!!" Gabrielle says, smiling.

Sydney looks at Gabrielle, smiles, and asks, "How are you doing, Gabrielle?"

"I'm doing good," Gabrielle says. "My mom, sister, and Xena is helping me through my issues."

"That's good!" Sydney proclaims. "You know I'm always here for you if you need to talk."

"I know," Gabrielle says. "I'm taking this day by day. I know I have people who love and care about me."

"Of course!" Sydney says.

"We got your message that you sent us," Xena says. "So, you have a new Amazon?"

"Well, sort of," Sydney says. "She is a homeless teen I'm working with. Xena, Gabrielle, I think she may be a reincarnation of a past Amazon?"

Xena and Gabrielle look at Sydney in shock, and Gabrielle says, "What?"

Sydney proceeds to tell Xena and Gabrielle how Valerie scoped out the warehouse for a week, how she decided to let Valerie inside Camp Amazon, how the Amazons tried to apprehend her, and how Valerie wasted all of the Amazons, old-school style.

"She broke Nixie's nose?!?" Gabrielle says shocked

"Yeah!" Sydney says. She continues to tell them what happened next and everything that has happened since. "This girl has an Amazon heart, that's for sure. One thing I will say about her, she shows me the highest respect, and whenever I mention you two, she gets excited, as if she knows you two, even though you haven't met yet."

"What's her name?" Xena asks.

"Valerie. Valerie Cruze." Sydney says.

"Have you contacted Artemis about this?" Gabrielle asks.

"Not yet. I wanted to get your opinions on this." Sydney says.

"Do you think she may be from your tribe?" Xena asks. "Maybe Epinon or even Melosa?"

"No!" Sydney says adamantly. "I think she's from a tribe after I was gone."Xena and Gabrielle get a strange look on their faces as Sydney then says, "Gabrielle, I remember you telling me when you and Xena faked your deaths, and Ares thought you two were dead and put you in that ice cave for twenty-five years. That's why I'm asking you two before Artemis."

"All of the tribes joined forces as one when we woke up," Xena says. "This could be anyone."

Sydney uploads a video of the break-in and fight between Valerie and the Amazons and then says, "Watch this."

Xena and Gabrielle watch the video with shocked looks on their faces. It then gets to the point where Sydney takes Valerie's hood off, and Sydney pauses it. Xena and Gabrielle look at the still of Valerie, and Gabrielle says, "Could you send this video to us. I want to blow this shot up to get a better view."

"Sure," Sydney says. "I'll also send you more videos of Valerie, Cyane, and I training. In fact, here's a picture of her for our records." Sydney sends a picture of Valerie to them, and Gabrielle's eyes get really wide as Xena gets a shocked look on her face. "Do you two recognize her?"

"We have to study this more," Gabrielle says. "Just to make sure."

"Ok, let me know ASAP!" Sydney says.

"Oh, we will!" Xena says.

Sydney, Xena, and Gabrielle finish their conversation then disconnect. In Shiloh, TX, Xena and Gabrielle look at each other, shake their heads, and Xena says, "Are you thinking, who I'm thinking?"

"She looks so young! Like a baby!" Gabrielle says. "Wow! Just wow! We have to explore this more."

"Oh, yes, we will!" Xena proclaims. "Why now? And why her though!"

"Artemis must have something planned," Gabrielle says. "In the meantime, let's review everything Sydney sends us to make sure."

"So, what's your thoughts on this, you know. If it is her?" Xena asks.

Gabrielle smiles and says, "Excited!! She has to have an attitude in today's world."

Xena chuckles a bit and says, "I bet she does! Let's figure this out, for her sake and Sydney's."

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