Lesson 1: some basic kanji

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Kunyomi: ひ
Onyomi: ニチ、ニ
Meaning: sun, day
Examples: 日(ひ)-the sun, day/三日(みっか)-the 3rd day, three days/日曜日(にちようび)-Sunday/日本(にほん/にっぽん)-Japan

Kunyomi: つき
Onyomi: ゲツ、ガツ
Meaning: moon, month
Examples: 月(つき)-the moon, month/月曜日(げつようび)-Monday/一か月(いつかげつ)-one month/一月(いちがつ)-January

Kunyomi: き
Onyomi: モク、ボク
Meaning: tree
Examples: 木(き)-tree/木村(きむら)-Japanese surname/木曜日(もくようび)-Thursday/土木(どぼく)-civil engineering

Kunyomi: やま
Onyomi: サン、ザン
Meaning: mountain
Examples: 山(やま)-mountain/山下(やました)-Japanese surname/富士山(ふじさん)-Mt. Fuji/火山(かざん)-volcano

Kunyomi: かわ、がわ
Onyomi: セン
Meaning: river
Examples: 川(かわ)-river/ナイル川(がわ)-The Nile River/小川(おがわ)-brook, stream

Kunyomi: た、だ
Onyomi: デン
Meaning: rice field
Examples: 田(た)-rice field/田中(たなか)-Japanese surname/山田(やまだ)-Japanese surname/水田(すいでん)-rice field

Kunyomi: ひと
Onyomi: ジン、ニン
Meaning: person
Examples: 人(ひと)-person/一人(ひとり)-1 person/日本人(にほんじん)-Japanese person/二人(ふたり)-two people/三人(さんにん)-three people

Kunyomi: くち、ぐち
Onyomi: コウ
Meaning: mouth
Examples: 口(くち)-mouth/入口(いりぐち)-entrance/出口(でぐち)-exit/人口(じんこう)-population

Kunyomi: くるま
Onyomi: シャ
Meaning: vehicle, wheel, car
Examples: 車(くるま)-car wheel/自動車(じどうしゃ)-car, automobile/電車(でんしゃ)-train/水車(すいしゃ)-waterwheel

Kunyomi: かど
Onyomi: モン
Examples: 門(もん)-gate/専門(せんもん)-specialty

Here's the first set of kanji! I hope this helps, and ik I said I would put romaji but tbh if you really want to learn, romaji won't help you, so set a goal to at least be able to read the hiragana. I know katakana can be a bit confusing when you start out, but keep practicing and you'll get there!


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