the end.

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notes: last chapter......

Tubbo sat across from Tommy at their favorite ice cream shop. They both ordered their favorites; chocolate and vanilla. Both with rainbow sprinkles.

Tommy had taken him there to help calm Tubbo's nerves. The silence was beginning to ruin their appetites.

"So, Tommy."

"So, Tubbo."

Tubbo laughed. "Do you have any ideas on how I could forgive him? Because I want to. i don't want to be mad at him. I got my anger that I had out. I don't want to be mad anymore."

Tommy looked up from his ice cream. "Well he told you today, like a few hours ago. It's okay to be mad for a bit. He leaves in a week. You have time."

"How do you know when he leaves?" Tubbo asked.

"George told me." Tommy took another bite of his ice cream. "He texted your mom about inviting me. Then she told me everything, and who told her to get me."

"Well you didn't tell me that at first." Tubbo looked down.

"Yeah, cause you didn't need to know that I'm conspiring with the enemy." Tommy said in an exaggerated pirate accent.

Tubbo smiled. "Whatever."

The two finished their ice cream in comfortable silence. Once they threw away their cups, they hopped back into the car.

"Let's just drive for a bit." Tubbo suggested.

Tommy nodded. "Sure."

The drove around watching the town go by. They listened to Wilburs album, though neither of them wanted to admit how much they liked it. They talked about normal stuff. Both of them stayed away from the topic 'family'. They discussed new video ideas, and lore stream that they had planned. They just talked, enjoying each others company. Hours passed. They finished Wilburs album and played some old song that they both enjoyed.

"Wanna head to your house now?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo nodded.

They drove back to his house and walked up to his room. 

"I'm staying the night." Tommy said.

"Bt you don't have a bag?"

"Yeah I do." He grabbed a bag from behind the door and waved it around. "I'm prepared, mate."

Tubbo laughed. "Wow."

The two went to sleep. Well, Tommy went to sleep. Tubbo stayed up thinking about how he hurt Dream. He was tempted to text him. He grabbed his phone and scrolled to Georges contact.

'is dream staying with u' he sent.

'yes.' George replied quickly.

'whats ur address' Tubbo sent without thinking.

George sent his address. Tubbo sat up in bed. He really sent it.

"Tubbo?" Tommy asked. "Go to bed idiot its 3 am."

Tubbo slowly laid back down. "Okay."

*next morning*

"Dude. Wake up!" Tommy shook Tubbo awake. "Did you tell George that I was going to drive you to his house today?"

"Huh? No." Tubbo was confused. He wanted to go but he didn't tell him that he was.

"Well you have his address don't you?"

Tubbo nodded.

"He thinks you're coming."

"Well I want to go but I never said that I was going..."

Tommy face changed to a confused expression. "You want to go?"

"Yeah but-"

"Well then get up, let's go. Come one." Tommy said.

Tubbo didn't register what happened. "Okay."

He got dressed and brushed his hair and teeth. He grabbed his shoes and followed into his car. Next thing you know, Tubbo was standing in front on George's door, knocking on it.

Dream answered. "Tubbo?"

Tubbo froze. "Uh. Hi?"

"Um, come in."

The two of them sat in very very uncomfortable silence.

"So.." George said.

Tommy and George sat on the opposite sides of the couch, leaving Tubbo and Dream in between them.

"I'm sorry." Tubbo blurted out.

"Why are you sorry?" Dream asked. "I should be sorry. I kept this from you and I shouldn't have. It wasn't fair on my part. So I'm sorry."

"But I yelled at you, and only you. You didn't deserve that. It wasn't only your fault."

Tubbo started tearing up.

"Tubbo, It is my fault. I could've kept contact but I didn't." Dream said.

Tubbo looked up as a tear fell from his eyes. "I said stuff to you I didn't mean. I said awful shit tat you didn't deserve to hear."

Dream's expression softened. "It's okay."

Tubbo stood up and walked in front of Dream. He stood there for a moment before he pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

Dream hugged him back. "It's okay."

"It's okay."

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