chapter 3

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chapter notes: Tubbo's third person view this chapter!! again, not shipping anyone. people think that im shipping tommy and tubo but im just showing how wholesome their friendship is!! so please, dont think im shipping them

"We have time." Tommy said back, his voiced filled with confusion.

"Okay, don't look at me until I'm done talking. It might make me too nervous." Tubbo replied. 

Tubbo started the story. "My mom told me that a while ago she was married to someone other than my step-dad. I knew this of course but I didn't know what she told me next." Tubbo took a deep breath.

"My biological dad was a bad guy I guess. She only told me that. But, later that day I found something. Something that changed my view on everything."

" It was a picture, well, half of a picture. The half I had was me. The other part, the missing part, was of another boy. One much taller."

"I didn't think anything of it until I turned it over"

' c and t , brothers '

"It was me and my brother. One that I didn't even know I had."

"Well did you ask your mom who it was?" Tommy asked.

"No. I knew she didn't want me to know who it was. But this explained everything. Why I never met my dad. Why my mom didn't talk about how I don't look anything like her. So i guess i look like my dad. I wonder if I'll ever see him, talk to him, or hug him.

"He might just want nothing to do with me. Maybe I'm the reason he left."

"No, no, no Tubbo I know he didn't leave because of you. You're an amazing person. If he can't or couldn't see that, he's blind. Trust me."

This cheered Tubbo up a little bit. He was still upset but he knew this would pass over, it always does. Plus having Tommy here helps.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Tommy asks, trying to cheer him up.

"I thought you'd never ask." Tubbo says, voice filled with relief.

10 minutes later

"Chocolate please!" Tubbo tells the server. "Oh! and rainbow sprinkles please!"

Tommy chuckles to himself. "Can I get vanilla please?" Tommy pauses. "Rainbow sprinkles as well please."

They sit down and Tubbo feels the need to ask "I thought you hated sprinkles, why'd you get them?" 

"Because, I thought I'd give them a try cause you love them so they have to be somewhat good. Y'know?"

"I guess. I mean, I do have better taste in women so maybe I have better taste in ice cream too..."

"Now Tubbo, I never said that. You know I love all women."

Tubbo pauses for a moment and looks over at Tommy. He sees Tommy suppress a smile. "I do love all women and hate all men. Except me, of course."

This causes the pair to laugh until they can't breath. As they're trying to regain their breath, Tommy says "And you, I suppose"

This causes them to laugh even harder

After they are done laughing and have calmed themselves down, Tubbo stands up and look at Tommy and says "Lets go home, we can stream together at my house."

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