ch 1 part2

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Sakusa: *giggels to himself* wow I never thought I would see you here again atsu❤

Atsumu looked at his phone and found ton of notifications from his brother and suna and looked at the time it was already late so he texted them that they will meet after classes finishes ... 《time skip》Atsumu osamu and suna where walking home together

Osamu: hey atsumu you sure are fine?

Atsumu: *smiles* yes sure I am completely fine

Osamu: then why didn't you answer our messages ?

Atsumu: come on samu it is just that I met my professor on the way and he needed help and I helped him and I didn't notice my phone sorry...

Osamu: it is okay just make sure to answer okay?

Atsumu: yes yes I will I am not a kid you know

Suna: you know he is over protective for you atsumu.

Atsumu: yes yes~ *looks up at the sky and smiles brightly* but honestly ... thank you so much guys

Osamu and suna both hugged him happily and so suna went his way and the miya twins reached there home. Osamu Cooked dinner for them and now it is bed time

Atsumu: neh samu hmm uno would you sleep with m-me today?

Samu: *smiles slightly* of course I will you are the baby brother here

Atsumu: hey!!

Samu: sorry sorry hahaha

Atsumu fell asleep beside his brother and osamu was rufling his hair when suddenly atsumu started to sob a little and mumble things while he is sleeping...

Atsumu:n-no no pl-please stop don't to-youch me.

Osamu: *hugs his brother to his chest tightly* I swear brother I will never let any one ever hurt you if that man was still alive I would burry him shhh it is okay everything is gonna be okay.


It is Saturday so it is holiday osamu woke up first and preaperd their lunch atsumu wakes up to the nice smell

Atsumu: mhm samu you made lunch?

Samu: yes go wash your face and come to eat

Atsumu giggles happily and eats his brother cooking

Atsumu: this is so deliciousss

Osamu: eat slower no one is gonna take your food . ... hm ah and today I am going out with suna

Atsumu: oh you are going to a date?

Osamu:* little flushed* shut-up baka

Atsumu: hahaha okay okay

Osamu: ah it is time already gota go take care of yourself and DON'T GO OUT WITHOUT TELLING ME.

Atsumu: *pouts* hai hai fine just go

Osamu leaves and locks the door after him atsumu then lays on the couch to watch a movie atsumu doesn't love horror movies due to the screaming in it while he was searching suddenly his phone rings with a strange number atsumu checks it and answers


The other side: oh you know you shouldn't answer strange numbers calls

Atsumu: who the he'll are you?

The other side: ah have you forgotten about me ha atsumu~

Atsumu: ah you ... you are sakusa right?!!

Sakusa: yep the right answer!!

Atsumu: oiii don't make fun of m-

Suddenly when a large scream was heard atsumu fell to the ground trembling and gasping for air sakusa on the other side could hear the scream and noise

Sakusa: oi oi OI atsumu what's wrong what was that scream?!!!

Atsumu: *trembling * i-it hu-hurts ... c-can't bre-athe

Sakusa: *panaking* Atsumu what's wrong listen to me ATSUMUU shit

Sakusa uses the phone call to find atsumu's location he drove there as fast as he could he then when he reaches burst the door open to find atsumu on the floor crying and trembling in fear. Sakusa runs to him

Sakusa: *hugs him*hey atsumu listen to me look at me every thing is going to be alright atsumu atsumu I am here (atsumu didn't respond and he still is pancking covering both of his ears) shit what should I do

Atsumu: sa-samu come help me

Sakusa looks at atsumu's phone and try to call some one called samu when he feels some one touching his jacket

Atsumu: n-no d-dont call him

Sakusa:*throws the phone and hugs atsumu more tightly and whispers sweet words to him* atsumu calm down it is okay I am here

Atsumu then fell asleep in sakusa's arms . Sakusa carries him to the couch and sit beside him looking at him with so much care

Sakusa:  I-I missed you tsumu

He then falls asleep beside him 《time skip》 atsumu wakes up finding sakusa beside him then he remembers what happened and became so red he then chuckles a little without realising he touches sakusa's hair softly

Sakusa: I see so you love my hair huh

Atsumu flushes and removes his hand quickly

Atsumu:yo-you were awake

Sakusa:haha yeah just now ... hmm what time is it now

Atsumu: *grabs his phone* it is 1 pm omg I slept this long

Sakusa: ah it is past time of lunch already *looks at atsumu* hey wanna go to grab lunch some where?

Atsumu: *confused* you really act strange you just met me yesterday day you know and-

Sakusa: I know you won't harm me and also come on get ready let me take you

Atsumu: Thanks for erlaier but sorry I can't go out without samu's permission...

Sakusa: *little annoyed* and who is this samu of yours is he your bf

Atsumu: no you idiot it is my twin brother name

Sakusa:*surprised* eh?! Your twin's name

Atsumu: yeah? Anyways I owe you so I will cook for you what do you think?

Sakusa: hmm well why not

Atsumu then goes to prepare the lunch and called his brother to know that he will stay at suna's house after they ate sakusa really liked his cooking after they finish cleaning atsumu asks...

Atsumu: hey sakusa wanna stay the night?

Sakusa: sorry but I can't I have work to do *wears his shoes* see you later atsu

He left atsumu a blush mess and his heart was beating fast . He felt that name atsu nostalgic for some reason but he didn't know he then ate dinner and went to sleep.


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