chapter 1 - Christine

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It's already 7:30am and I'm still in front of the mirror getting ready. If I want to rahearse my song I had to be gone by now.

Every day I one hour earlier to school to rehearse. Luckily the security guy let's me in.

Going to the kitchen my mum has already made my favourite breakfast, pancakes with chocolate chips.After eating my breakfast, I brush my teeth, give a goodbye kiss to my parents and go to the bus stop to take the bus.

Arriving at school as expected there is noone. Setting my foot inside the school I see a shadow but that must be Mr. Johson the security guy, so nothing to be worried about. I go into the music class where we also have a lot of instruments. I drop my backpack to a desk and grab the guitar. After half hour pacticing my new song, the bell rings and I have to get out of here before someone sees me. Putting the the guitar back to its place, I grab my backpack and get out of the class. Because of my hurry when I open the door I bump into someone and that someone happens to be none other than Aiden Everest the city's bad boy and my worst nightmare.

''Watch it weirdo'', Aiden says with no emotion in his face.

''Sorry'', I say with my head facing the floor with the fright I feel from him.

He then pushes me to the side and gets in the class with his two friends and I let out the breathe I didn't even know I was holding. Wow that was close! Then I get in the hallway and go quickly to my locker, put in my bag and grab the book, notebook and pencil case and continue to my class which is maths, great. The day couldn't start better. Note the sarcasm.

Luckily the day continues uneventful except from the teasing I get from the other students of the school. Finally the last bell rings and I can get to the comfort of my house. Getting out of school and crossing the parking lot to the get to the bus stop, I see from the corner of eye that Aiden with Luke and James are looking straight at me. My cheeks at that instant are getting a dark sade of red and I lower my head facing again the pavement. After arriving to the stop my bus comes.

After having lunch with my parents, I went to my room, done my homework as I had nothing better to do. I read a little from the book I am currently reading and got to sleep.

Tomorrow is a new day and I hope everything goes well.

But as they say after the quite days comes the storm.

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