I hate you

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*At the hospital*

Y/N paces around the hospital waiting room, waiting to hear of Roc's well-being. Prod, Prince, and Ray Ray run in.

"What happened?" Prince says.

"I found Roc cheating on me and I ran out. When he came outside, he got shot." You tell the 3 boys.

Ray says "Damn. What did the girl look like?" Prod smacks Ray in the back of the head. Ray rubs the back of his head.

"I'm just sayin I might know her." He says.

"She has brown eyes and bleach blonde hair." You tell him.

Ray gets bug eyed and rubs his temple with his fingers.

"Aye Ray isn't that.." Prince says, before covering his mouth in shock.

"WHO IS IT?!" You yell.

"That's Prod's girlfriend."

Prod wipes the tears coming out of his eyes. "That whore." He says, his voice cracking. You hug him and he cries in your shoulder. You coo him and rub his back.

The bleach blonde girl walks in and Prod's head shoots up. "You slut!" He yells at her. She flinches.

"Prod baby I'm so-" She starts but Prod cuts her off. "I'M NOT YOUR BABY ANYMORE." He keeps yelling. She starts to tear up. She looks at you with guilt in her eyes. You turn your head and rub Prod's back.

"Shannon it's time for you to go." Prince says.

"Fuck you hairball." Shannon yells at Prince and storms off.

Prince rubs his temple and pats Prod's back. "Plenty of fish in the sea." Prince tells him.

Prod cries on your shoulder. again, remembering the times him and Shannon had together.

The doctor comes out and brings you to Roc's room. He has a patch across his bare chest.

"The bullet went through his chest. It's good we operated before it was too late." You take Roc's hand and rub his hand.

The rest of MB release a sigh of relief. Prod takes a swig of water.

"But.." the doctor starts.

"But what?" Ray says, being the curious person he is.

"Chresanto has HIV." The doctor informs them.

Prod spits out his water and presses his body against the wall. He slides down the wall and falls to his knees in tears.

"I HATE YOU CHRESANTO!" You yell, running out with tears spilling out of your eye sockets. You run out of the hospital with Princeton chasing after you.

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