it was afternoon it was time for computer science.
"who even is the teach-"
bean coughed and dragged thulk and marmae to the other hallway.
"let's go visit The Pole first"
"no", thulk objected. "we will be late for class".
"but", said bean.
"what" said marmae.
"nothing. let's just visit The Pole very quickly. we still have seven minutes."
"fine," said thulk in a resigned manner.
they walked over to the pole where bean gave it a high-five (not to be confused with a slap) and turned around to computer science.
"hot dang" said bean out of nowhere. the otther two ignored her.
marmae's trepidation increased as they neared the classroom, while bean's smile grew wider and wider. thulk was just excited to have computer science because she was smart and actually paid attention in class.
"don't scream" bean warned marmae, holding her back before entered the classroom.
"why would i do that"
"just don't"
marmae entered the room and fainted. bean laughe.d.