idk how to say four in kOrEan so

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marmae was fainted on the floor wait is fainted a correct word in that context idk sori.

"oh wowr" said bean as she poked marmae's cheek. "she is actually dead."

"noer," said thulk. 

"is she ok" asked the teacher frowning.

"idk man" replied can, a girl in that class that bean enjoyed to annoy by writing on her desk. "let's just start the day of r eckon ing's"

"yes let us do that we will drag marmae to the nurses office" said bean and thulk.

"goodbye teacher, have a nice day" said thulk. 

"thank u"

thulk was upset that the teacher did not return her wish of well being. bean snickered evilly as she shoved marmae out of class.

"maybe we can go to the pole-"

"no" thulk objected. bean sighed.

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