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SCHOOL had arrived way too fast

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SCHOOL had arrived way too fast. Samantha had no trouble getting up that morning getting dressed and getting her school things together. Katherine on the other hand was a complete mess. Samantha had to drag her out of bed and make sure she was up in time for them to drive to school together. After a few minutes of deciding which outfit she was going to wear and having Samantha do her hair and makeup. She was ready to start her Sophomore year at All Valley High.

Heading downstairs for breakfast both girls were met with a smiling Daniel and Amanda who had cappuccinos in their hands. Samantha pushed a cup of coffee in front of the tired girl. "You look like you need this." She said laughing at her cousins expression. "Do I really look that bad?" Katherine asked taking a swing of her coffee which hit the spot. "You look dead Kat." Anthony said from across the table not taking his eyes off his IPad. Katherine rolled her eyes. "Thanks Tony that helps a lot." She responded sarcastically.

Daniel rolled his eyes used to his sons behavior. "You two ready for school?" Samantha nodded her head bumping her shoulder with her cousins. "Sure just a little nervous." Katherine responded feeling a little more awake than she was before. "Alright then you two better get going if you don't want to be late on your first day." Both girls nodded getting their things together. With one last hug from Amanda and Daniel they were off to school. The drive was too quick, and Katherine was nervous as hell yet tried to look calm in front of Samantha.

"You need help getting your schedule?" She asked as both girls got out of the car getting stares from almost everyone. "No I think I should be good, I'll meet text you so we can meet up at your locker." Samantha nodded giving her cousin a smile before heading the opposite direction. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves she made it to the front office opening the attendance door. "Hi, Katherine Flynn here to pick up a school schedule." She said to the lady in the main office who handed her a sheet of paper with a smile.

"Glad to know I'm not the only new student." She turned around and met the eyes of a taller boy with dark hair. "Yeah that's a relief." She said smiling at him. "I'm Katherine it's nice to meet you." He shook her outstretched hand. "Miguel nice to meet you as well." After getting to know each other and comparing their class schedules they both went their separate directions getting ready for their first class. Texting Samantha where her locker was she waited patiently getting her books together for English.

Closing her locker she noticed Samantha walking up to her followed by Yasmine and Moon. Putting on the best fake smile to try and be the bigger person. "So what do you have fist?" Moon asked smiling kindly at Katherine. "English, I saw the class right down the hall." Samantha nodded. "Bummer we all have Calculus first. Guess we won't see you until lunch." Yasmine said in fake sadness making Katherine scoff. "We'll see you later." Samantha and Moon said walking off in the other direction.

Walking a few feet down the hall, Katherine entered the class sitting towards the middle not wanting to get more attention than necessary. Thinking it wasn't so bad she just had to survive for a few more hours. How hard could it be right? Finally after attending all the classes and trying to keep attention away from herself Katherine made her way to the cafeteria. Finding Samantha, Yasmine and Moon already sitting at a table, having nowhere else to sit she made her way over to Samantha.

"Oh, my God, you guys." Yasmine said pointing to a table with three guys. "You see that guy over there who looks like he went down on a lawnmower? He's literally wearing the ugliest sweater l've ever seen." Both Moon and Samantha laughed quietly making Katherine clench her firsts together. Looking at the table she noticed the boy she met earlier Miguel alongside someone who caught her eye. He had brown hair and the most noticeable thing about him was the scar that ran down his lip. She immediately knew who that was. "That is so wrong."

Not wanting to hear another word Katherine got up and walked towards the boys table ignoring the look of disgust Yasmine gave her. "I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill both of you just to get her to spit in my face." She heard the boy with the darker hair say making her silently laugh. Pulling up a chair she sat in between Miguel and her childhood friend who had yet to recognize her. "Oh hey what's up Katherine." Miguel said making her smile at his kindness. She noticed the other two boys staring at her in complete shock.

"Hi, I'm Katherine Flynn but you can call me Kat I just moved here." She said politely smiling at both boys. "Demetri." The darker haired boy said. Katherine's eyes shifted toward the only person who hadn't talked yet. She noticed his hand was covering his scar and he was avoiding eye contact at all costs. Smiling at his adorable behavior she took matters into her own hands. "Hi Eli." She said making Demetri and Miguel look at her with wide eyes.

Finally picking his head up Eli met her eyes confusion swarming in his blue-grey orbs. "You know for someone who says they can spot a Twilight fanatic you really do suck at it." She said making him finally realize who she was and crack a smile. He then didn't hesitate to bring her into a hug which she returned catching a few people's attention. Breaking out of the hug both of them were smiling at their inside jokes making both boys more confused than ever. "Care to explain what's going on?"

Demetri asked breaking the silence. "This is Kat remember the best friend I told you about. She moved to Europe when we were six but we still kept in contact." Eli ranted to Demetri who was trying to process all this information. "I'm sorry bud but someone this hot clearly can't be your best friend. She was sitting with the popular girls not to long ago." Katherine scoffed. "Well I'd honestly rather hang out with you three than those bitches over there. And one of them happens to be my cousin."

This caught Miguel's attention. "Samantha LaRusso is your cousin?" He asked making her nod her head. "Yup, crazy right?" She laughed leaning back in her chair. She noticed Miguel was mentally debating something in his head so when he stood up she had a pretty good idea about what he was going to do. "What are you doing?" Demetri asked. "Striking first." Was what Miguel answered with making Katherine raise an eyebrow. "Oh, shit, I hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel."

Demetri added making Katherine let out a laugh along with Eli. "Do you think he'll get somewhere?" Eli asked leaning closer to Katherine who was watching Miguel's every step towards his cousin. "No idea, I'll give him points though he sure is ballsy." As Miguel got closer to Sam, Kyler suddenly knelt by her seat wrapping an arm around Sam. "What's up, ladies?" Sighing in defeat Katherine noticed Kyler give Miguel a cocky smirk. "See you later, 'Rhea." Making his way back to the table he slumped back in his seat. "So how'd it go?" Demetri sassed making Miguel roll his eyes.

Poor Miguel right?? What did you guys think about Eli and Katherine's friendship!! That was unexpected right?! Let me know what you guys think of the chapter I have a lot more planned!! Sorry if it's a little rushed I wrote it during my class lol!...

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Poor Miguel right?? What did you guys think about Eli and Katherine's friendship!! That was unexpected right?! Let me know what you guys think of the chapter I have a lot more planned!! Sorry if it's a little rushed I wrote it during my class lol!! <33

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