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WEEKS later Katherine, Samantha and Anthony were dragged along to a country club to accompany Daniel and Amanda who were sorting out a business deal

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WEEKS later Katherine, Samantha and Anthony were dragged along to a country club to accompany Daniel and Amanda who were sorting out a business deal. Getting dressed both girls walked downstairs still slightly suspicious about the sudden plans. Arriving at the Encino Oaks Country Club Daniel was quick to meet up with his client leaving the rest of them to enjoy dinner at the buffet table. Anthony was quick to help himself while Amanda, Katherine, and Samantha caught up. "Thanks for coming, thought you were going to be with your friends tonight."

Amanda told Samantha as they were getting their food. "I was." She paused her face falling slightly. "But umm I don't know, Yas and Moon haven't been answering my texts." Katherine pursed her lips not wanting to say something about her cousins friends. "We were supposed to go to a concert together, and then I saw this." Samantha said pulling out her phone showing Katherine and her mom a picture that they both had posted at the concert without her.

"So are you not friends with them anymore?" Katherine asked Samantha as they sat down at the table. "No clue but honestly after the whole Kyler thing I wanted to just relax and stay away from drama." She nodded knowing where her cousin was coming from. "Don't worry about that asshole he'll get his karma." Katherine added making Samantha smile. "Thanks, how'd you get so wise all of a sudden?" Katherine shrugged eating a piece of fruit. "I've always been wise, besides I never liked that blonde bitch anyway." Samantha elbowed her making Katherine laugh and elbow her back.


THE following day at lunch Miguel, Demetri, Eli and Katherine were in line to get their food. Rumors had been going around the school, that Sam had gone down on Kyler during their date to the movies. Katherine tried to shut the rumors down but ended up being unsuccessful seeing as nobody listened. Eli and Miguel had both assured her that the rumors would clear up soon enough. She watched in horror as Sam entered the cafeteria all eyes on her, everyone was probably whispering horrible things about her.

"Oh, don't even think about it." Aisha said as Samantha was going to take a seat by her table seeing as she wasn't talking to Moon and Yasmine anymore. "Come on, I need a place to sit." Samantha begged her face falling slightly. "Oh... you can go sit with Kyler. I hear he doesn't mind that you suck." Katherine watched as Samantha turned around walking up to Kyler who was laughing along with his friends. "Think it's funny to spread lies about me?"

He watched in amusement shrugging his shoulders in mock innocence. "What're you talking about? We saw a movie, and that's it." He paused. "Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you." This made almost everyone in the cafeteria laugh making Katherine grit her teeth in anger. "Yeah, we heard you got pretty choked up." Brucks said making Kyler and his friends laugh again. "Hey, guys." Kyler yelled catching everyone's attention in the cafeteria.

"You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Katherine had enough of his stupid lies so she set her lunch tray down and was going to confront him but Miguel held her back. "Hey, Kyler! Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" The whole crowd gasped watching the drama unfold. "Want another beatdown, 'Rhea? I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." Kyler said lunging towards Miguel.

Only this time Miguel was ready for it and he stopped his arm in mid swing. "It's not lame-ass karate." He then twisted his arm. "It's Cobra Kai."
And to resemble Miguel wasn't kidding around, he snapped fist and hit Kyler straight in his face, like a Cobra does on its prey. Knocked back and obviously extremely angry, Kyler felt his nose only to feel blood dripping out of it, running down his upper lip. Without much hesitance in between, he bolted towards Miguel and picked him up like one would do in a wrestling match, landing on him on the table as if he was using his weight to his advantage to inflict pain on Miguel.

Suddenly, Kyler grabbed Miguel's hoodie and threw him to another table, only to drag him off and put him in a choke hold, in which Miguel showed obvious discomfort. That was until Miguel swung his arm down, bending his elbow hitting the stomach of Kyler, breaking out of the hold. Yet that wasn't all, Miguel twisted Kyler's arm so he was facing his back, and swing his fist right towards Kyler's face as he turned to look at Miguel, finally kicking his back causing Kyler to lose his sense of gravity and hit the table in front of him. Just when you'd think that was it, "No Mercy!" could be heard from Aisha as another guy came up behind Miguel, preparing to swing his fist and land a shot at Miguel's head.

"SLAM!" just like that, he had hit the ground. Miguel had ducked in time and swung his leg around, swiftly sweeping the legs of the guy off the floor, letting gravity do the rest as he fell hard onto the tile floors of the school cafeteria. Soon enough, more of Kyler's friends jumped into action. One coming to Miguel and grabbing him by his shoulders to hold him there and ultimately repeatedly knee him in his ribs, only to fail as Miguel quick-wittedly responded with a punch in his stomach, effectively knocking him back. Just as someone else ran towards Miguel to try and knock him down, he lunged his leg out, hitting the sprinting guy in the stomach.

Right after Miguel had turned around and let his momentum power his kick as he swung his leg towards one of the guys standing , hitting him square in the face. Without much time in between fights, Miguel rolled over the nearest table, grabbing the red lunch tray that lay empty on it and using it to his advantage as he kicked a nearby chair into one of the guys that was chasing him, causing the guy to fall over. Unharmed, Miguel hit Kyler as he lunged towards him to try and get a hit in. In which he failed as two more guys came in to join the fight.

Using the tray to block the punch of one was his first move as he then turned to the other knocking him in his gut and his open face while then returning back to the first guy and kneeing him in his stomach. Finally smacking him in the back to give the guy the final push to the floor. However, just when you thought it was over, Miguel turned and saw Kyler regaining him strength to stand, as Miguel used on of the downed guys as a step to jump on the table and kick Kyler, who was indeed running after Miguel, in the face, then smacking him across the face, causing Kyler to fall to the ground.

Everyone suddenly started cheering Katherine smiled watching Samantha give Miguel a thankful look and smile. Miguel looked completely proud of himself watching everyone around congratulate him to standing up to those assholes. However, the show was put to a halt early as Counselor Blatt stormed in and grabbed Miguel by the wrist down off the table and walked him to what many had assumed to be the principal's office."That was badass." Katherine heard Eli and Demetri whisper making her chuckle. "I'll see you two in class I'm gonna go make sure she's okay."

She told them nodding her head in her cousins direction. Both boys nodded waving goodbye at her. Katherine slowly approached Samantha who had a dreamy look in her eyes still processing what had happened and how heroically Miguel had stood up for her. "You okay?" Katherine asked snapping Sam out of her daydream. "Yeah, fine." Samantha reassured. Katherine smiled putting her arm around her cousin. "See I told you Kyler would end up get his karma." Samantha laughed as the two girls walked out of the cafeteria all smiles.

Katherine and Sam fans where are you? 🙋🏻‍♀️Also Miguel defending Sam in this scene was everything! Sorry there's not so much going on! Next chapters will be better! <3

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Katherine and Sam fans where are you? 🙋🏻‍♀️
Also Miguel defending Sam in this scene was everything! Sorry there's not so much going on! Next chapters will be better! <3

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