Pod with a Bowler Hat / VideoGame!Newton x RealLife!Reader

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I'm sorry in advance.

It was a normal Tuesday at school, you were in your last year of highschool. 3 months before the school year was over. You had 3 best friends you hung out with on a daily basis. (F/N), (F2/N), and (F3/N). You meet all of them in 3rd grade, and your 3rd grade classmates and you were acquaintances. So you knew them, but they weren't really your friends. Also, you were a huge Little Big Planet Fan. And in your heart was a special place for the third installment of the series. Because Little Big Planet 3 was the game that introduced you to the series. You wanted to talk about it with your friends, but none of them knew what Little Big Planet was.

On this particular day, you were sitting on a bench with your friends during lunch. You all ate, talked, laughed, and joked. The bench was against a wall, infront of a huge eating area with lots of tables and teens. It was a pretty big area, and there were a lot of teens.

But today, the unexpected happened to a expected day. As you ate and talked, one guy pointed to the sky and screamed. Everybody started panicing, the lunch moniters who watch the teens at lunch told everybody to stay calm. But nobody listened to them. You looked up to see what the fuss was about, when you saw a huge... thing hurling twords the school at a very high rate of speed. You screamed, gathered your lunch, and ran with your friends to safety. Which was in your 4th period classroom. Where you left your backpack. Every student currently in the room was looking out the window. Seeing where the thing was going to land.

You had to leave your friends because they all had different 4th period teachers, but you knew a couple kids from your 4th period. There was Matthew and Amanda, who were dating. And happily, might I add. The lunch area was completely abandoned, except for a few discarded lunch boxes and a tiny bird. Poor bird. The thing hit the concrete of the lunch area, and turns out the thing was a pod! Wearing... a bowler hat? Wait a minute...

Before you could continue your thought process, kids from every class started to rush to the pod. Getting a closer look and trying to see what or WHO was inside. You were a student, lucky enough, who was right infront of the pod. It indeed had a bowler hat on. And the pod was quite big. About the height of a big doorway, and the width of a supply room. Y'know, the tiny ones in movies so when two main characters go in, they are squished together for more drama and an awkward scene.

Anyway, you recognized the pod, it looked exactly like Newton Pud's pod from Little Big Planet 3. Or maybe it was that exact pod. The dead give away was the huge bowler hat. The students around you started to talk and theorize.

"Is that a bowler hat?"

"I think it's aliens come to take us and prob us!"

"No way, the pod is too small for 500 students!"

"I think I hear something moving in there!"

"I see a dim light in the pod!"

"Should we open the hatch?"

"That was quite the landing. Whatever's in there is dead for sure."

"If it was alive in the first place."

"If it wasn't alive, how could it steer the pod here?"

"I dunno, it looked like there was no steering at all, just gravity."

Then, the principal came though the crown and stood by the front of the ship.

"Okay, everybody! Attention! We are on full lock down! Back to your class! You know the drill!" He announced. All the teens made disappointed sighs. But you didn't listen. You stood by the hatch, and didn't move. Was Newton Pud, THE Newton Pud, in that pod? "(Y/N), please go back to class." The principal instructed. Your friends urged you to get away from the pod, tugging on your arm. Suddenly, the hatch opened, smoke emerging from the hatch and rising to the sky. Something coughed. The students turned and gasped. They stopped in there tracks and stood, frozen. Your friends started to back up, trying to get you to back up too. But you didn't, you weren't scared. You knew exactly what was going to come out of that pod.

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