🏖 Beaches and Beagles 🐾

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Since Connor was imprisoned for a long, long time for his abusive nature and unruly attitude, Nina was now free to marry Lance. 

   It had been one whole year already, and now she was finally happy...again. Third time's a charm, they say.

   Freedom is such a blessing, and any conniving individual who tries to manipulate anyone's freedom is someone you don't associate with. 

   Anyway, it was a bright summer day, as Lance and Nina were drinking on the beach and enjoying each other's company. 

  "Hey, watch that umbrella!" Lance said, jokingly. 

  "Sorry, Lance, I was just thinking how busy I am at work." Nina remarked. 

  "Oh, I know, being a reporter is such a stressful job, and you've got what it takes." Lance replied, seriously. 

  "However, the feelings I've got for you are stronger than what I felt for Connor.'' Nina said, laughing. "And that's the way I loved you. Always and forever." Nina added.

 "You're so beautiful.'' Lance said, admiring her sapphire blue eyes. 

"My heart is in your heart, and my mind wonders where you're mind wonders." Nina said, looking out at the ocean. 

 "I have a surprise for you. Come on, let's go to the pet store.'' Lance suddenly remembered.

 "Okay, let's go..." Nina said, having had enough of the beach. 


 The pet store was  busy as per usual, and the one thing Nina had always wanted was a dog: a beagle, to be exact. 

  "Here's your new dog..." Lance surprised Nina, who gladly accepted the dog with open arms.

"How old is she?'' Nina wondered.

  "Three." The pet store owner replied. "Her name is Jewel."

 "She's so adorable!'' Nina said, watching the dog move around in her arms and Jewel barked happily, enjoying her new owner. 

 "Here's everything you need, Nina. Enjoy." The pet owner stated.

Nina nodded her head and watched the dog move around, friskily and happily. 

  The dog suddenly barked louder and jumped in the air, wanting a biscuit. 

  "We'll feed you once you arrive at your new home, Jewel." Nina told Jewel, who barked in return.

  "Oh, she's so cute!" Nina replied ,as Lance nodded and added.  "I knew you'd love your anniversary gift, much better than what Connor would give you." He laughed.

  "I know, right? Connor was a loser. Now he's in jail for three years. And I actually thought I liked him. Go figure." Nina said, rolling her eyes.

 "Come on, Nina, let's take the new addition to our family home." Lance agreed,  taking the leash from Nina and walking towards the exit. 

   Nina followed and Jewel barked loudly again. It was surely looking like Nina got her dream family after all...

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