🌸 Summer Nights and Shooting Stars 🌠

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Nina lay in bed with Lance by her side, as he cuddled up beside her. Nina laughed and whispered something in his ear. Lance died of laughter and whispered back. 

  "I love you, too, Nina." He whispered back, as the couple looked through the window at the night sky, suddenly the summer night lit up with stars and the moonlight.

   The twilight shone through the window as they lay there, and something suddenly rang in both of their heads. 

  "We should have a wedding..." Lance suddenly said, looking up at the sky.

  "Absolutely. It's almost been two years, already and I've decided that third time's a charm." Nina said, excitedly.

  "After all the abuse you've suffered through, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and after kicking Connor to the curb, you've got nothing more to worry about." Lance explained.

    Suddenly, Taylor Swift's Red rang into the room, as Nina's phone's ringtone went off. 

  "Oh, it's Talia." Nina said, reading who the caller was.

   "Imagine that." Lance said, sarcastically.

   "I should take this." Nina said, putting the phone to her ear.

  "Hello? It's Nina." Nina said, a bit tired.

  "Hey, Nina, sorry to call so late. However, I need to talk to you. It looks like Connor made bail, and now he wants revenge against you. Angelina has been bragging about it for quite some time now." Talia explained.

 "It looks like his vengeful side is coming out. Thanks, Talia."  Nina said, worryingly.

  "It's wrongful of him to come after you, especially since he's the one who abused you in the first place." Talia said.

  "Angelina is still with that idiot?'' Nina wondered, adding her disdain to the whole idea. 

"Oh, Lord, I know. You're not going to go visit him, are you?'' Talia wondered.

 "No way. Hell, no. That'll never happen." Nina said, with a laugh.

  "I thought so." Talia nodded. "Keep your head up, Nina, things will get better." Talia reassured her.

   "Oh, I know. I'm getting married." Nina said, full of joy.

  "Are you really? When?'' Talia gushed.

 "Oh, soon. Very soon. We'll have a wedding soon. We just need to talk out all the details. Keep you up to date soon." Nina said, wistfully. 

''Hope so." Talia said, a bit more excitedly.

  "I'll tell Naomi." Nina added. 

 "Well, see you later." Talia agreed.

  "Okay, I've got to go get my heating pad, as my back is killing me, and I've got to go to work tomorrow." Nina added.

 ''I've got to go, too." Talia added. "My dog is barking her head off again, so I've got to go see what he is barking at. See you soon. Bye." Talia said goodbye and they hung up.

"Quick! Make a wish, Nina!" Lance said from the balcony. Nina ran to the railing and made a wish, as the star twinkled across the sky...

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