💔 🏍 Unexpected Tragedies and Umbrella Days ☔️

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Talia and Nina were headed back to the ski hills when all of a sudden it started to snow heavily unexpectedly and Talia did  not want to get caught in a blizzard. Well, this was great, the ski lodge was packed, and probably would have to close due to severe weather. Great. She'd hoped that this vacation during the winter break would do her head some good. However, she could not have been further from the truth. Why me? Talia thought miserably. 

  Nina, being able to read her thoughts, took her hand and smiled. She felt like her life was one big pity party, and she'd had enough experience and knowledge about death, thank you. Well, this was one day she could not stand, so they walked back to the lodge and ordered cups of hot cocoa to sever the pain. They would not have to wait long for the lodge to be shut. 

 "Attention, everyone, due to severe weather, the lodge is closing and so are the ski hills. You must all be out of here by tonight." The manager said out loud. Well, some vacation this was turning out to be, Talia thought to herself, annoyed. I knew I shouldn't have booked that spa weekend, too. Talia examined her nails, and frowned. They were as ugly as she felt, inside and outside. She didn't like the knot in her stomach too, thinking about Timmy and the motorcycle accident. 

"Confidence is the key, Talia." Nina spoke up. 

 "Well, to me, it isn't at the moment, N." Talia snapped.

 "T, just relax. So this vacation wasn't what we planned, we need to remain optimistic and level-headed about this whole affair. So what if it wasn't what we wanted? Life has a way of working itself out."  Nina tried to explain, although secretly she was annoyed too.

"Oh, please, I see through your fake disguise, N. You're just as annoyed as I am." Talia said.

 "Fine. I'm annoyed. However, let's make the best of this situation." Nina replied.

The light in the sky vanished as the sun was hiding behind some very dark clouds, and the snow began to fall. Heavily. Talia sighed. Well, this was great. A blizzard in the middle of my vacation, and who knows? Maybe an avalanche would occur, too. Talia really felt depressed and upset. What infuriated her the most was her dedication and love and commitment to Timmy was gone. Wasted. Because of his death, nothing had meaning anymore. It was as if every colour of the world had gone blank, black and grey.

   Well, she didn't have any use for this lodge anymore, so she walked back to the room with Nina and packed their bags to leave. As they got into the Ford, she slammed her door shut and prayed. Prayed for a miracle. 

Nina, knowing what was going through Talia's mind, also prayed. Then she put her foot on the gas and they raced out of the there like the place was on fire, putting the car into gear.

 Sadly, Happy Fountain Lodge wasn't so wonderful and happy after all...

 Four hours later of small talk and deadly silence, Nina and Talia made it back home. Talia switched on the TV once they were safely in their heated apartment. Nina was greeted by Genevieve and Lance.

 "Hey, girls, how was your vacation? What happened?'' Lance wanted to know.

 "Well..." Nina trailed off as they both looked at each other sheepishly.

 "It wasn't what we thought it would be." Nina explained.

 "Yes, tragically, there was a blizzard on the way, so all of the ski lifts and the lodge had to close." Talia snapped.

 "Yes, and we've been reminded of how our bad luck ceases to exist." Nina added.

 "I've got great news, girls. We've got the church for our wedding ,Nina! I've been able to book it for this summer." Lance grinned.

 The girls looks turned from rage and annoyance to excitement and pleasure.

 "Really, Lance? That's incredible!" Nina exclaimed. 

"And I've got the bonus and the promotion." Lance replied.

"You did? That's awesome, too!" Nina answered.

 "Did you girls hear about what festivals they are having this weekend? It's the Christmas Annual Lightning ceremony and they are not cancelling it this year." Lance tried to put them in a good mood. 

 "Ever since Timmy died, it wasn't a good time of year for me." Talia explained. However, she changed her tune once she figured out they needed volunteers for the animal shelter.

 "Talia , you can totally do this for a living. You are a vet, after all." Nina remarked.

 "And you'll get to be with your friends, and I'm sure Timmy would be proud of you." Lance acknowledged.

"Yes!" Talia said so loud it made Nina and Lance jump.

 "Sorry, guys, I just realized something." Talia said, excitedly. 

 "I'm going to be available for summer break, after all. Which means I can go to Hawaii with you guys. Maui sounds good right about now." Talia replied with a grin.

 "Amazing. See,T? Things end up working out for the best." Nina explained, reassuring Talia.

 "Just have  a little faith." Lance repeated, once Talia realized that life wasn't so bad after all. Even without Timmy. 

"I'm turning over a new leaf, guys. I'll start going out, meeting new people. I'm not ready to be on a dating website yet, however, I'm ready to open my heart again." Talia explained.

 "We think you're ready, too, Talia. Timmy would've wanted you to remain happy." Nina said.

"Yeah, and think of all the fun you've been missing by moping around." Lance agreed.

 ''Lance!" Nina suddenly snapped. 

"Okay, maybe I worded it badly." Lance suddenly replied, taken aback.

 "No, you just have an attitude problem." Nina adjusted the situation. 

 "Speaking of which..." Lance said, turning up the TV. "There's Connor again, on TV. His trial starts today. He's clearly guilty." Lance replied.

 "Agreed." Nina quipped, glaring at Connor on the screen. "That's what he gets for being a drugged assaulter.Did he really think he'd get away with this charge? I mean, honestly. Assaulting a guy in a bar, heavily drunk, and he wonders why he's in prison.'' Nina scoffed.

"Yes, the same way he assaulted you." Talia explained. 

"Oh, don't remind me." Nina replied, all of the nightmares and flashbacks coming back to haunt her. "I mean, that trip to France was such a waste." Nina added.

 "He's nothing like you, Lance." Nina reached out for Lance's hands and they kissed just as the last starlight began to shine through the window. 

 "And just wait, I've got the perfect plans for New Years and Valentine's Day." Lance reassured her as Nina laughed. Talia felt great for her friends,she really did. However, she missed Timmy greatly...so Talia turned and gazed out at the moonlight and stars, hoping Timmy was doing the same...

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