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(🎋Every moment I'm so desperate to meet you

Something much, I'm Immersed in your love
I'm away from you, so what!
I still have the ability to touch your heart from afar🎋)

Something much, I'm Immersed in your loveI'm away from you, so what!I still have the ability to touch your heart from afar🎋)

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Abhi pov:

A rays of sunlight leak through the blinds while assaulting my eyelids. I took a hold of my cozy blanket while enveloping myself into it like a warm hug. All I wanted at this moment is to just sleep for the thousand years due to lack of my sleepless nights. Just then..



Arghh...Damn this alarm...I woke up by switching off the alarm.

I got up from the bed and sauntered to my gym, did my routine.At sharp 7am, I stepped into the washroom to get fresh up.

After that, I decided to have my breakfast which is always a black coffee with my best friend veer. Because, after I left India I never had a better food in my life and whenever I ate outside food I had vomitings. So, it's better to have a coffee rather than to eat that unhealthy food and make myself unhygienic.

(A/N: Bademama: Mother's elder brother.
Bademami: Mother's elder brother's wife)

Veer is my Bademama and Badimami's only son. We both are diaper buddies and he knows me inside out. Ten years ago we both came to NY for higher studies, while studying we started frigate company together at a young age. We both worked like a robot from then and at last we achieved our dream. Now, we are ruling the whole world with just a snap of fingers.



Rahul (shouting): Abhi, Have you woke up? yaar, open the door.

Here comes, my other annoying friend.

It's Rahul Agarwal.

He stays with us and eats our brain with his craziness from our childhood. We have to bare with his antics because he is my cousin wife's younger brother and our other best friend too. So, we have to endure him.


Rahul: Abhi, open the door!! Yaar, why did you lock your fucking door?

"Ha...Idiot...I am coming...Can't you wait for a while" I shouted while opening the door.

Rahul(Mischeviously): Why did you take so much time to open the door? And why the hell you are locking your door now-a-days? Ayyee...Ayyee...you are maintaining secrets from us tell me my baby boo.

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