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Please excuse mistakes y'all I did not proof read



"In the surveillance video we clearly see David dragging the victims body behind the building where he then runs to his vehicle leaving Latrell there to bleed out"

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"In the surveillance video we clearly see David dragging the victims body behind the building where he then runs to his vehicle leaving Latrell there to bleed out"

"As a convicted felon my client could not have been caught around a dead body. He and Latrell had been friends since children he had no reason to murder him"Brian my attorney argued

"Unless he was jealous of him. Latrell's life was better than David's, Trell grew up in a two parent household, he had a fiancé, he had the money, the cars... meanwhile David grew up with one parent, his mom... only that's his fault since he murdered his fath-"

"Objection!"Brian shouted

"Sustained.. where are you going with this?"The judge said

"Your honor, David envied Latrell. David has always had to fight for his name in the streets Latrell was his only competition. He was sick of living in his shadow"

"My client has never lived in anyone's shadow. In fact David has always been the main focus I mean isn't it obvious? He's a platinum artist with 3 songs on billboard charts. David also had foreign cars and times the money Latrell had. My client even paid for Latrell's funeral expenses"Brian stated "That argument isn't liable Luis and you know it"

"If you continue watching the footage, David drives off then proceeds to drive to the front of the store where he walks inside, seconds later he walks out shoving something into his hoodie's pocket. Perhaps the tapes we're missing"Luis, the opposing side Lawyer said

"We are missing evidence aren't we? Where are the tapes showing us what happened to Latrell Brown? The store has a camera pointing directly at where Mr.Brown had initially gotten shot so where is the footage?"Luis stated

"Lisa, where were you the night of the murder?"Luis asked Lisa, the store owner, who was sitting beside the judge on the witness stand.

"At my store, working"Lisa replied

"And did you happen to hear anything that was going on outside of your store?"

Lisa shook her head "No"

"You mean to tell me you didn't hear gun shots?"

Once again Lisa shook her head "No, I didn't"

"Okay, As seen in the footage, David walked in your store then walks out putting something in his pocket. Did he go inside of the store and buy anything?"

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