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Super short chapter!!

Excuse mistakes

RENAE's Interlude

"Do you miss him?"

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"Do you miss him?"

"Of course I miss Smoke"-Renae

"What do you miss about him the most?"

"Everything.. his smile, his laugh, I miss the way he holds me in my sleep, I miss his touch."-Renae

"How long has he been away?"

"Um.. I think it's been 10 months. Almost a year"-Renae

"You're holding up pretty well, it seems like you've got everything in your life handled"

"It seems like that but I really wish I did, I definitely underestimated how hard it is to be a single parent this shit is not easy at all. Waking up throughout the night, feeding him, bathing him, changing diapers, having to take him to doctor appointments, on top of all that I gotta provide for him so I run a business which also needs my time and attention, everything is on me. I'm stressed the fuck out but I'm trying my fuckin hardest not to break because I know I have to stay strong"-Renae

"You don't always have to be strong, It's okay to break down but you can't stay down for too long, you'll have to pick yourself back up. Is there anything that makes you happy?"

"My son, he started crawling yesterday I was so happy I almost cried"-Renae

"Aww, he's growing so fast. If there's one thing you want him to know forever what would it be?"

"That his dad loves him so so so much, no matter if he's in his life or not"


"Look at this dude"Smoke said in amazement, staring at Dj "He getting so big on me"

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"Look at this dude"Smoke said in amazement, staring at Dj "He getting so big on me"

I gently shook my leg up and down to keep Dj calm as I held the prison's phone up to my ear

"I know right, he's been trying to crawl lately"I analyzed Smoke, he was starting to look so different. His hair had grown out but was in cornrows, his beard was much more bushier and longer, he had gotten buff but overall he was still sexy as hell

"Slow down lil nigga"Smoke laughed, from the second he saw Dj he hadn't taken his eyes off of him not even to look at me

"He turned six months yesterday. Me and Dime threw him a party"

"Six months? soon his ass gone be walking"

"I know"I said looking down at Dj

"I'm missing out on a lot"

"It's okay Smoke he's just a baby, he won't even remember that you weren't around"

"It's not even about that. It's about me, this my only child I wanted to be around for every last event. I done missed his birth, you say he bout to start crawling right?"Smoke questioned

I nodded

"Now I'm finna miss this too, might even miss his first steps"

"Relax, like I said he is just a baby"

"You actin like I can't possibly be in this bitch for life Renae"Smoke snapped "I'mma miss out on everything his first birthday then the next and the one after that too. He should have his dad, who gone teach him shit you can't? I'm supposed to be there"

Smoke and I stared at one another, there was a change in Smoke's personality he is so emotional. I figured it's because he's frustrated or maybe he has softened up

"I be wanting to tell you not to come up here anymore cause I can't bare to see my seed growing while I'm locked up. But seeing him is the only thing keeping me going."Smoke said "I'm sorry that you gotta do everything alone you know if I was out you wouldn't even have to lift a finger. I hope someday I can make this up to you if it's not too late"


"How's you're relationship with your parents?"

"Um.. I never met my dad he was murdered a few weeks before I was born. My relationship with my mom.. well we don't have a relationship."-Renae

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. You don't speak to your mom?"


"Why not?"

"I rather her not be a part of my life right now, see when I was younger she let too many things happen to me, she's chosen men over me, she's chosen drugs over me, and she's no different now that I'm older."-Renae

"Do you ever plan on speaking to her again?"

"Not until I know that she's changed I don't wanna introduce my son to her, if she's going to be in his life I want her to be a brand new person. A good person" -Renae

"Would you say you've had a good life?"

"Not necessarily.. my life is good now, not great but good. It wasn't always like this though I've been through a lot"-Renae


"Like.. being beaten and molested by my stepfather. Being neglected as a kid but then being overly protected as a teen which led to me becoming super sneaky. And don't let me get started on my toxic ass relationship. We doing better now that he's locked up but when he was out boy! Me and Smoke went through a lot"-Renae

"You and Smoke talk about each other a lot"

"Yeah cause we're all that matter to each other. We don't really fuck with our families, we don't have a lot of friends either. We just .. made a life together. We're each other's family"-Renae

"Not to be negative but what happens if he's sentenced for a long time? Would you wait for him?"

"I would but he already told me not to. He wants me to move on and to be free but lord knows I don't want to be with anyone else. He's like the other half of me, he's all I know. I can't imagine myself with anyone else and I don't want to"-Renae

There's most like 1 very longggggg last chapter of Turned Out!!

I'm kinda sad but then again.. it's about time this book ended ;(

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