Chapter 5

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I open my front door I'm surprised when I saw Katya standing there.

Trixie: god!
Katya: it's late. why?
Trixie: I'm late because I was looking for the book. we have an agreement, Katya. you can't tell me what to do.
Katya: I know, but that has limits. you can't just get home at midnight what if something happens to you. in this house, I'm your wife even if you don't wear the ring you still my wife.
Trixie: ugh, whatever
Katya: wait! next time if you want to come home late. call me, just let me know

I just nodded and went to my room and I prepare to go shower it's been a long day. I went to my bathroom and saw the biggest spider I've ever seen. I'm screaming and Katya came

Katya: Trixie, what's wrong?
Trixie: there's a spider
Katya: a spider really?
Trixie: Katya... I'm scare help me
Katya: sure, get the broom

I walk to the kitchen. found the broom I take it and give it to Katya. she takes out the spider. I went to take a shower.
 The next day I usually hanging out with my friend after my classes. I was surprised when milk came and give me a flower.

Milk: happy anniversary, baby
Trixie: thank you... I'm sorry I got you nothing
Milk: it's okay...i-

I saw her phone ringing she pick it up and when she hung up. she looked at me

Trixie: is it a campus problem?
Milk: Yeah, I'm so sorry I really want to spend this time with you but-
Trixie: I know, just go milk maybe it's important for your grade
Milk: thank you, baby...

she leans in to kiss me and again I just don't feeling it so I hug her instated. I went home and just watching tv Katya sit next to me.

Katya: can you make me some tea?
Trixie: okay...

i went to the kitchen to make her some tea. I just don't feel like arguing with her today I'm just so tired. I'm back on the couch with a glass of tea.

TV: coronavirus is attacking our beloved world right now and to prevent the spare of the virus. the government recommends that all activities be carried out from home. the government suggests a self- quranteen.

WHAT?! a quarantine? I don't know for how long but the worst part is I'm in quarantine with Katya. God, can you kill me now? I have to get out from here but how should I run out? like the middle of the night I just run. I'm gonna stay with my friend I have to I don't wanna be stuck with her. 
I pack all my stuff in my backpack I saw Katya sleep I sneak out really quite. then the light turns on.

Katya: where you going?
Trixie: nothing, i-i sleepwalking
Katya: with your backpack? I don't think so. sit!

I sit with her on the couch everything went silent. I'm like a child that caught stealing something

Katya: where you going in the middle of the night, Trixie?
Trixie: I don't know
Katya: you don't know or you don't wanna tell me?
Trixie: I don't wanna tell you
Katya: you wanna back to Milwaukee? oh... wanna meet milk I guess
Trixie: if so why? jealous?
Katya: me jealous?
Trixie: ugh, fine I'll tell you why... I can't be in quarantine
Katya: especially with me huh?
Trixie: yes, there I said it
Katya: let's say I let you go and you got the virus and sick. what is your parent gonna said? do you even think about them? 
Trixie: fine! I won't go
Katya: great

she went to the bedroom. ugh, she so annoying. I really can't stand her. I glare at our wedding photo which was displayed in the living room. I hate her face I takedown the photo and go to sleep.

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