Chapter 17

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The next day, Katya serves breakfast for me and my mom. 

Mom: thank you Katya... for everything
Katya: don't mention it, Judy... I'm glad can help 
Trixie: mom, are you sure you gonna be okay when we leave?
Mom: yes, Trixie... I mean it's gonna be quiet in here but I'll be fine
Trixie: okay then mom
Mom: umm... do you guys ever think about having a child? I really want a grandchildren

I was shock and Katya choke at her food.

Trixie: mom!
Mom: I mean you can adopt or get Trixie pregnant
Trixie: Mom! no! not gonna happen
Mom: I'm kidding... I know you are not ready but I believe that's gonna happen eventually
Trixie: Yeah, right... Katya doesn't even like children
Katya: that's not true 
Mom: see Trixie... Katya is ready
Trixie: mom, drop it... it's not gonna happen!

Ugh, I'm not gonna have a kid with her. Never. we prepare to leave I give my mom a hug before we drive away. after a long drive, we finally home Kim told me that she needs to talk to me so she came to my house as soon we arrive.

Trixie: Kim?
Kim: trixie... hi mrs. zamo
Katya: hi Kimberly
Kim: can we talk privately Trix?
Trixie: yeah, Katya can you take my suitcase?
Katya: sure... I'll be inside 

Katya leaves us and we sit on the porch.

Kim: she knew Trix
Trixie: she? milk?
Kim: yeah, please don't be mad at me. she came to my place last week asking about it... she said she found out when she was at your dad's funeral
Trixie: was she at my dad's funeral?
Kim: Yeah, I'm sorry Trixie our friend know everything too
Trixie: it's not your fault Kim I should tell you guys... I need to see her
Kim: milk?
Trixie: yeah Kim... I'm going now! 
Kim: ok then, good luck Trixie... remember whatever happens I'm gonna be here for you 
Trixie: thank you, Kim!

Kim says goodbye and leaves. I went inside my house and find Katya in the bedroom unpacking her stuff.

Trixie: Katya tell me do you know that milk came to my dad's funeral?
Katya: i-um
Trixie: DON'T LIE TO ME!
Katya: yes, I saw her
Trixie: why you don't tell me?
Katya: because it's not the right time to tell you
Trixie: then when is the right time?
Katya: um...
Trixie: TELL ME!
Katya: I DON'T KNOW OKAY! I JUST KNOW... BUT THAT DAY I JUST CAN'T TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT are grieving... I thought talking about milk is gonna make you sadder 
Katya: i-
Trixie: how do you know when I never tell you about my feeling? 
Katya: Trixie-
Trixie: I NEVER GOT A CHANGE TO TALK, KATYA... not everything is about you! I always do everything you said but you never heard me... you never care about my feeling, Katya...
Katya: Trixie...
Trixie: I'm going to find her!
Katya: Trixie wait

I grab my purse and jacket then leave I took a taxi and drive to my campus. I hope she will be there. 

Trixie: come on... pick up!! Jared!
Jared: Trixie?
Trixie: where milk?
Jared: I don't know
Trixie: please Jared, I know you knew where she is...
Jared: I can't tell you, Trixie I'm sorry
Trixie: please... I beg you Jared, please...
Jared: Trixie... i-
Trixie: please I have to see her, Jared... just please help me...
Jared: ok, follow me

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