Kemonomimi anatomy

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So reader we are now here to learn about the anatomy of a kemonomimi,
I made a diagram to show, it's not the best but here is the tail part:

So reader we are now here to learn about the anatomy of a kemonomimi,I made a diagram to show, it's not the best but here is the tail part:

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So basically here is the diagram for it, so the blue is were your tail bone is and where your tail will grow. Oh and your tail would have to be somewhere where your butt crack ._. That's awkward._.

This a sort of drawing tutorial, but it is useful when it comes to having your ears and what to expect, but I do not suggest obsess over your results!

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This a sort of drawing tutorial, but it is useful when it comes to having your ears and what to expect, but I do not suggest obsess over your results!

Since your ears will rather be on the semi top sides of your head, it will look like this or it will be pieces of cartilage and flesh that you cannot hear out of.

So your ears would be growing larger,longer and wider to match your shape of desired ears.
And your ears would hurt like heck while they are growing by getting sores.
Your ear parts would still be in shape and not really change.

And you might question reader, " how will my ears feel like?"
Your ears would probably start to become more floppier and you could move them.
You would also gain better hearing than usual.

Your ears and tail will take a long time to show up, but do not give up!
Alright reader we will move on!

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