Beach Day!!

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The next day Jisoo went home all happy

"OMG! Did something happened Jisooyahh? You never seemed this happy before" Jennie jokingly said

"Do you want to hear the news or what?" Jisoo said with an annoyed tone

"C'mon let us here it!" Lisa answered

"I have tickets for Jeju Island!!" Jisoo said excitedly

"For real?! I always wanted to go there!! Alright!! Let's go!!" Jennie said from excitement that she accidentally hugged Lisa

"Wow.. I didn't know you hug Jendeuki? Haha" Lisa said


"Really Jisooyaaa? For what?" Chaeyoung said

"Oh nothing I just wanted to go on a vacation since were complete! You know we're friends" Jisoo said

"Later okay? Get ready cause we're leaving tomorrow at 6:00 am" Jisoo said running upstairs to her room to pack her stuff while the 3 following her

"Are you all ready?" Jisoo said putting their bags on the trunk of Lisa's car

"Yes ma'am!" The 3 said

They arrived at the airport at 5:20 just right time before their flight arrives..

Few hours later they arrived at Jeju Island

"Wow.. I don't know why but I felt like we're at Hawaii" Chaeyoung said

"Yap!" Jennie said hugging Chaeyoung's arm

"So.. where do you guys want to go first? Hotel or Restaurant?" Jisoo said as she went to the middle that made Jennie broke the arm hug

"C'mon Jisooyahh you know me so.. you know what I'll pick already right?" Chaeyoung said and winked

"Haha how about you two?" Jisoo said she noticed they were holding hands which made her giggle

"Yah!! Stop giggling!! And yes we are hungry too" Lisa said

"Okay then here I know someone who runs this restaurant" Jisoo said

They went to Irene's restaurant and Chaeyoung was sitting in front of Jisoo, they ordered dumpling and Kimchi and Soft Tofu Stew

Chaeyoung was staring at Jisoo's dumpling so Jisoo fed Chaeyoung with her dumpling which made her happy

"Oh Chaeyoung you look so cute with that face haha" Jisoo said and Chaeyoung giggled

"Oh look at these two haha" Lisa said then she stared at Jennie

"Oh really? You really like it when I reveal your secret huh?" Jisoo said and smirked

"Huh? What's the secret?" Jennie asked

"That she likes some-" Jisoo got cutted of because Lisa covered her mouth

"Yah!! Unnie! Stop!!" Lisa said

"Ohh... Lisa likes someone!!" Chaeyoung teased

"I'm tired let's go to the hotel now!" Jennie insisted they all finished their foods and went to the hotel room

"Don't worry guys I already booked 2 rooms" Jisoo said

"Really? Just 2?!" Chaeyoung said

"I don't want to sleep with someone who snores" Lisa said

"Don't worry Lisayahh Jennie doesn't snore" Jisoo said

"Wait- wh..what do you mean?" Lisa asked in confusion

"Don't act like you don't know me and Chaeyoung will be roommates so that leaves you and Jennie" Jisoo said

They all agreed and so... They all went to their rooms.. when they got in Jisoo was shocked to know their were only 1 bed!

"Wait! Really? Just one bed?!" Jisoo said in horror

"I'll just sleep in that sofa" she insisted

Chaeyoung felt bad so..

"You don't have to Jisooyahh we can share the bed.." Rosé said and smiled

"Well.. okay if you insist" Jisoo said

They explored their hotel room and Chaeyoung admired the beautiful beach outside with the pool

"Whoa it really is beautiful do you want to go down to the beach later?" Jisoo asked

"Sure it will be nice to walk along the sea later" Rosé said

           "Especially with you"

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