Visiting you..

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Chaeyoung pov

I woke by the sound of knocking on my condo I looked at the time it's 7:02 in the morning who could this be? I got up and opened the door it's that guy again

"Oh.. shoot! I'm sorry I thought this is Jisoo's condo number" Taehyung said as he scratched his head and was about to leave but I stopped him

"What do you want anyways? Are you looking for Jisoo" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed

"Actually yeah.. " he said

"This morning?!" I looked at him with suspicious eyes

"Yeah.. look were doing a morning scene you know where the both of us first met cause this character Jisoo is playing loves the beach and have a walk every morning that's why.." he said and smiled as he scratched his head, damn he's so handsome with his boxy smile- wait the damn minute did I just said that!! No! This can't be right!!!

"Well.. we need to be going now hey.. uh.. do you-" he got cutted off cause Jisoo went out of her condo with her Beautiful dress the one I bought her with her white.. shoes... She looks gorgeous us always

"Oh.. uhm.. " she said as her eyebrows furrowed and gave us a what-are-you-doing-look

"Hey Jisooyahh your friend here disturb my sleep!" I said scratching my head

"Haha c'mon Taehyung I have to say something to Chaeyoung first" Jisoo said as Taehyung bought the elevator down

"Chaengiie don't be jealous of him we're just friends by the way don't starve yourself later okay? I'll be going home late night later.. " Jisoo said and hugged me

"Okay you too" I said hugging her back and smiled

"Text me okay?"

After an hour I got a text from our manager I was eating pancakes at that time so..

"Hey girls.. I need you here later.. okay? You'll be having your first indorser and you'll be having your photographs okay?" He said

Me: what time boss?
Him: later after lunch but for Lisa she'll be going first then Jennie after her and next is you

Well.. today is going to be a busy day too huh?

After eating breakfast I hopped into the shower changed my clothes and applied a little bit of make up.. and just waited for my turn for the photoshoot that's when someone texted me

Unknown: Hii Chaeng, I'm here at Korea now!
Me: huh? I'm sorry who is this?
Unknown: oh.. right.. I have a new phone number that's why you don't know me
Me: Jimin?
Unknown: yeah it's me I just arrived this morning when are you going to pick me up?
Me: just take a bus I'll text you my address
Jimin: fine!

Few minutes later I got a text from Jimin

Jimin: there not letting me in!
Me: fine! I'll go down there wait for me


I saw him outside the guards was not letting me in lol I laughed at him then the guard noticed me

"Ma'am?Is this really your cousin?" I giggled and nodded yes then he let him in

"See told ya?" Jimin said annoyed to the guard I just giggled

We went to my condo--

"Okay, I'm leaving later after lunch so.. you have to stay here and don't touch my stuff" I said to him sassyly

"Yeah whatever, this condo is massive mine last time was like very small like an ant was suppose to live there" he said jokingly

"Shut up! This is your bed okay?" I said

"You want to grab breakfast with me? I'll leave soon" I said to him that was busy on his phone

"Nah! I already ate" he said so I left him all alone.

After hours.. it was night time Jisoo said she's coming home late so I decided to visit there place that they were shooting on I took the bus and go there

I arrived of course they let me in cause they already knew me I looked at her acting she was so... Good I got her a coffee from Starbucks and I found out they were kissing yes! The person I love and the person I hate! The Starbucks coffee was about to fall but I catched it it's going to be embarrassing if I let it drop

They were done I checked the time it was 8:01 I wonder what Jimin is doing cause he's all alone that's when I received a text

Jimin: hey we're are you coming home?! I'm starving you know!!
Me: just go to this nearby restaurant I'm going home late

I texted back, he didn't replied so I guess he ran lol, I didn't notice Jisoo was already beside me

"Who was that?" She asked

"Oh... It's nothing.., when are you going home?" I asked

"Right now actually, by the way what brings you here" she said

"Oh.. I just finished a photoshoot that's when I wanted to see you today.. to be honest your acting was really good" I said as we hopped into Taehyung's car

We got back to our condo and I saw Jimin waving at my condo window Jisoo noticed it yeah I'm doomed

"Who was that?" She asked suspiciously..

"Huh? I didn't see anything" I said she just nodded and went to her condo as of by now I could've kick Jimin's @$$

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