Gabriella's Point of View

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"Morning Sis," I called to Izzy. "I have the perfect outfit planned for you today."

"Gabby I've had enough of this switching. I'm not like you. I'm screwing up your reputation. And I think Kaydence is starting to get suspicious," Isabella whined.

Please Izzy, just one more day?" I begged.

"Fine, One more day," she huffed.

We went to the bathroom so I could help her get ready. Copying Isabella's style was easy for me to do; no make-up, ponytail, jacket and jeans, and glasses, well fake glasses for me. On the other hand it was a nightmare to get Isabella ready. I had to do her hair, her make-up, pick out an outfit. Man, I thought I wanted a break from my life but instead I'm stuck making Isabella look like me. Oh well, it's fine as long as she doesn't figure out why I did this switch in the first place.

"Thanks Gabby! I look really pretty," Izzy gushed.

"I know, I know. I'm a genius. I'm so glad we did this switch so that way I could help you shine and reach your full potential and beauty," I stated knowing my plan had been working.

"Alright let's get to school," Izzy told me after looking at herself for the fifth time in the mirror. I glanced at myself and saw that I look like a lazy version of me. Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about being caught anymore. Maybe Izzy will want to stay changed for a longer period of time. Which would give me more time to plan my next move.


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