Isabella's Point of View

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Things at school are kind of crazy. Gabby and I have all the same classes so that makes things easier. All I have to do differently is sit in her seats, while she sits in mine. We still do our own assignments. Even though I'm 'Gabriella,' I write Isabella on the top of my work. It can be confusing at times, especially when the teachers hands me back Gabriella's scores, but we always swap at home. I got through most of the school day just fine. I slip up here and there where I don't quite understand something Kaydence says, but we just laugh most of it off. I'm just glad this week is over and things can finally go back to normal.

Once home, I go up to my room. Laying down on my bed, I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to take over. Gosh I'm tired.

*Ping. Ping. Ping.*

Not now. I want to sleep. Picking up Gabriella's phone, I took a moment to look at it. I still can't get over the difference of the phones, but we had to switch to make things more real. We have the same phone but the case on her's makes it thicker. I miss my slim phone case, and the adorable hippopotamus on the back of the case. I'm stuck with the thick pink glitter case. Yuck. Why did I ever agree to this twin switch thing? I hate the spotlight and the life Gabriella chose to lead. There are some many expectations. I can hardly keep the do's and don'ts straight.

*Ping. Ping. Ping.*

Ugh, more messages, I groaned in frustration. I picked up Gabriella's phone. I hate how Gabriella and I switched phones. Hopefully she kept her end of the promise to not look through each others' phones unless we were texting someone back. I unlocked the phone and found multiple messages from Kaydence.

"You almost ready? Hello? Gabriella? Are we still hanging out?"

"Oops, totally slipped my mind. Give me 15 minutes and I'll be ready. Where should I meet you?" I quickly typed.

"I thought I was picking you up from your house." Kaydence sent back.

"Oh yeah. Give me 15-20 minutes." I tossed the phone on my bed and raced out of my room to find Gabby.

I frantically knocked on Gabby's door and burst in before waiting for a response.

"Excuse me! Did I say you could come in?" Gabby asked.

"No, but quick, make me gorgeous. You've got like 15 minutes. Please Gabby. Kaydence is picking me up really soon," I begged.

Okay, sit at my desk. Hurry," she told me. I quickly sat down and waited for Gabby to start. My hair was in a low ponytail. I still had my contacts in form earlier that day, but I already had taken off my clothes and makeup. Gabby took out my ponytail and put into a high ponytail. She wrapped a piece of hair around the holder and teased my hair to make it look bigger, giving me a sassy appearance. With my hair done, Gabby started on my makeup. She did a light layer of foundation, blush and setting powder, giving me a more natural look, but for my eyes she did dark shades of gray to black followed by eyeliner and mascara, making my eyes really pop.

"Do you want to come Gabby? She is your friend more than mine," I asked.

"No, I'm good. Plus Kaydence might not be so thrilled to have 'Isabella' around.," she said.

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed.

Lastly, Gabby picked out a stunning outfit from her closet. It was a black leather jacket with a white tee-shirt and matching skirt. It looked fantastic in my opinion. Right on time. I smiled to myself.

"Thanks Gabby," I called as I ran out of her room right outside to Kaydence's car.


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