Kaydence's Point of View

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"You look Amazing!" I practically sang to Gabriella as she got into the car.

"Oh, thank you," she smiled.

We sat in silence for the car ride. I could tell Gabriella was nervous. I didn't know what about and I really didn't want to ask. It felt kind of awkward sitting in the car without talking. It just wasn't like her. We soon pulled into the downtown area. I found a close parking spot but one that I felt was fairly hidden, just in case. As we stepped out of the car, I noticed Gabriella was very uneasy. She seemed quite confused by the surroundings.

"Come on Gabriella, let's go get those earrings you wanted to match the necklace you got last time," I said.

"What necklace? And what earrings?" Isabella asked.

"You know the diamond heart necklace you took last time. There were matching earrings with it but you didn't grab them so...I brought you here so we could get them and I could get the green pearls I wanted," I pleaded, hoping to convince her just like last time.

"And is here...?" Isabella asked.

"The Foyers' Jewelry Store," I told her with a devious smile. I saw a look of shock cross her face. I don't know why she was acting so weird. I grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the store.

"WAIT!" she yelled as she pulled away from me. "This is the place that was robbed last week."

That's when I finally realized this wasn't Gabriella. Everything was starting to make sense to me now. How long has this 'Gabriella' been Gabriella? This girl hasn't started acting weird today, she's been weird for a few days. That's why none of our jokes made sense or why when I'd say something all I got was a look of confusion. Gabriella would never slip up like this girl did. Gabriella knew her place and knew it well. This girl was a walking disaster. But I just went with it. She wasn't one of us.

"You are not Gabriella, so you must be Isabella!" I exclaimed. I got into a position to defend myself if I had to.

"Your right, it is me Isabeela, pretending to be my sister," Isabella said. Now I was the one who stood there with a face of shock.

"Don't worry about Gabriella. She is just fine. She is at home pretending to be me," Isabella replied.

"How... How long has this been going on? This... Twin switch thing?" I stammered.

"Only a few days. It was Gabby's idea. She said she was just sharing the spotlight, trying to be nice and help me out for once. She said she felt bad that I didn't get attention like she did. Quiet, and shy, girls like me don't get noticed, we get teased by all you popular, athletic people. Plus Gabriella wanted a break for the pressure and expectations she had to follow," Isabella told me.

Isabella explained to me how the twins switched places, and even phones. I can't believe I got fooled the way I did and now here I was trying to bait Isabella to steal. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the shrill sounds of sirens. Crap.

"Isabella run!" I screamed. I watched Isabella sprint away from me. Closer. Closer. Closer. Come on, get closer already. I waited for the squad car to get too close for comfort and that was when I took off running, knowing they would follow me. I didn't want Isabella to get caught for my mistakes. I led the car down an alleyway. I knew the car was closing in on me. I heard a lot of noise to my left but I kept running. It sounded as if the squad car gave up the chase as I heard it's siren grow faint. I didn't have time to stop and check. I ran all the way home totally leaving Isabella. Crap, I left Isabella. I tried to call Gabriella's phone only to get no response. I called and called and called. Finally I gave up and fell asleep out of exhaustion from running.

I remembered waking up the next morning to a news notification on my phone.

News Report

On Friday May 26, 2018 Isabella Lopez, 17, of Dallas was detained for suspicious activity near Foyers' Jewelry Store. Foyers' is the same jewelry store where two priceless items were stolen from previously this week. She was seen with a second girl, who fled on foot. Isabella Lopez is being held for questioning. More information is to follow the situation. Anyone with any information please contact the Dallas Police Department. 

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