Chapter 39: Today I Am Having My Second Child

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Addison's Point Of View:

Today I am having my second child.

-the next morning-

"Wake up, bae," I said while shaking him a little.

*he didn't wake up so it seemed strange because he usually wakes up immediately*

"BAE, WAKE UP!" I exclaimed while getting nervous.
"Mmmmm," Tony said while waking up slowly,
"What is wrong, bae?" I asked with a confused look on my face.
"I don't feel good today," Tony replied while coughing.
"Awww, maybe you should stay here and rest," I said while giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"But I will miss you giving birth to OUR child and I don't want to feel bad," Tony said while still coughing.
"You are too sick, okay?" I asked while looking at him.
"Okay," Tony replied while drifting off to sleep.

*I took a shower and walked downstairs with Antonio*

"Ummm, Tony is not feeling good today so can one of y'all take me to the hospital and one of y'all babysit Antonio while we are gone?" I asked while looking at them.
"Of course, I can take you to the hospital, bestie," Madison said while giving Lola to Ondreaz.
"Thank you, wifey," I said while hugging Madison.
"You are welcome, bae," Madison said with a smile on her face.
"And I will babysit both of them for y'all," Ondreaz said with a smile on his face.
"Thank you, Ondre," I said with a smile on my face.
"No problem, Addi," Ondreaz said with a smile on his face.

*Madison drove me to the hospital and I went into labor*

-thirty minutes later-

*I had a girl*

"OMG, she is so cute!" I exclaimed while crying a little.
"I know, right?" Madison exclaimed while tickling her a little.
"I am going to name her Jasmine Madison Lopez," I said with a smile on my face.
"Awww, you have my name as her middle name!"
Madison exclaimed while hugging me.
"Yeah, I do!" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face.

*we stayed at the hospital for a couple of days until we were able to go home*

"WE ARE HOME!" I exclaimed while walking into the house with Jasmine.
"Hey, Addi," Ondreaz said with a smile on his face.
"Hi, Ondre," I said while sitting down on the couch with Jasmine.
"Oh, Tony is still sleep," Ondreaz said while sitting on the couch and giving me Antonio.
"Okay," I said while taking Antonio out of his arms and getting up from the couch.

*I walked upstairs to our bedroom with Jasmine and Antonio to check on Tony*

"Bae, I am back," I said while trying not to wake him up.
"I want to cuddle," Tony said while waking up a little.
"Sure, just let me put Jasmine and Antonio in their cribs, then, we can cuddle, okay?" I asked while looking at him.
"Okay," Tony replied with a smile on his face.

*I put Jasmine and Antonio in their cribs and started cuddling with him*

"So what is her full name?" Tony asked while playing with my hair.
"Her full name is Jasmine Madison Lopez," I replied with a smile on my face.
"Awww, you gave her Madison's name as her middle name," Tony said while looking at me.
"Yup," I said with a smile on my face.
"Baby?" Tony asked while still looking at me.
"Yes?" I asked while looking at him.
"Can you make me some soup, please?" Tony asked while pouting at me.
"Of course, cutie," I replied while getting up from the bed.

*I walked downstairs to make soup for Tony*

"Oh, hi, Addi," Kouvr said while walking into the kitchen and going into the refrigerator to get some juice and closing the door.
"Hey, Kouvr," I said with a smile on my face.
"I can't believe you and Tony have two little children now!" Kouvr exclaimed while touching her heart.
"Me either but I am so grateful for what I have," I said while making soup with a smile on my face.
"What is the soup for?" Kouvr asked with a confused look on her face.
"Oh, Tony wasn't feeling well for a while and he wanted me to make him some soup," I replied while looking at her.
"Ohhhh," Kouvr said while knodding her head.
"Yeah," I said while still looking at her.
"Well, I hope that he feels better soon," Kouvr said with a smile on her face.
"Me too," I said with a smile on my face.

My Baby Girl 🥺 (A Addison Easterling And Tony Lopez Love Story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now