Chapter 1

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 1: The Naiad Within

Chapter 1 

            “Come, Ava, dance with us!” the Dryad exclaimed as she grabbed Ava by the hand.

            “I’m not sure I know all the steps,” Ava declared despite being drawn into the dancing circle between the Dryad and a Faun. Ava found however, as one often finds in dreams, that she not only knew the steps but was able to perform them with great ease. And it’s a good thing too, because the dance was exceedingly intricate. Up she jumped and around she spun, under the arms of the Dryad and back around the Faun. Then with another jump and another spin, the Faun danced under her arms and back around.

            Ava laughed with a bell-like tone as she looked around the Dancing Lawn. All of Old Narnia was in attendance for the great dance. There were Satyrs and Fauns, all the Dryads and the Naiads too. Great Centaurs stood around and the Dwarfs played their drums. Amongst the Old Narnians were a few human faces too. Ava recognized the lovely Queen Aravis of Archenland, and His Majesty Prince Caspian of Narnia. Why even Ava’s father was there. But Ava seemed most surprised when she looked to her right and suddenly saw a Queen of Old dancing next to her. Queen Lucy the Valiant.

            “Take my hand, Ava,” Queen Lucy said with a laugh. Ava laughed back as she took the hand of the great Queen and the dance continued. 


            When Ava opened her eyes she half expected and wholly hoped to find the Dancing Lawn and the great dance continuing. But as her eyes took in the grey dismal light of the early morning and the bare wooden walls of the servant’s chambers, she knew it was time to wake up, time to stop dreaming, and time to get to work. With a despondent sigh, Ava threw back the single blanket and crawled out of bed. All around her, the girls who shared a room with Ava were doing the same; although, the term women would be more appropriate since they all had years of experience on Ava.

            Ava stepped into her shoes and quickly pulled on her working dress and apron before heading off to her first chore. Ava was the youngest servant and as such she got the worst of everything. She got the worst bed to sleep on, the worst blanket to cover up with, the worst clothes to wear—though in all honesty, none of the clothes were all that great, nor all that bad—and the worst chores to perform. Ava’s first chore of the day was cleaning the horse’s stalls while the stable boys took them into the field, and after that it was off to clean the chicken coup.

            Now, Ava may not have liked her chores, but she was never one to voice her complaints. After all she knew she was fortunate enough to live and work at the King’s castle, even though the King’s throne was currently empty. His Royal Highness King Caspian IX had died before Ava could walk, a near sixteen years ago. And the King’s son His Majesty Prince Caspian X was not yet old enough to rule according to ancient Telmarine Law. That would soon be remedied, however. The Prince’s eighteenth birthday was just a few days away and the coronation ceremony was set. Unbeknownst to Caspian though, a danger lurked the grey stone halls of his father’s castle.

            In the absence of a true King, the land of Narnia was governed by a Lord Protector, the Lord Miraz. Lord Miraz was the younger brother of the late King Caspian IX, and thus Prince Caspian’s uncle. Miraz had never been content with being a Lord or Lord Protector, though. He coveted his brother’s throne, but without an heir of his own, and with the true heir still living, there was little Miraz could do to claim it. Miraz had a plan though, a plan which hinged on the birth of his first born. If the child was a boy, then Miraz would give “the order” and his loyal men would commit the highest crime of treason: the murder of His Majesty Prince Caspian X. Miraz, having years of practice, already had a cover story set to hide his crimes, and his wife was only moments away from giving birth.

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