Chapter 5

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 1: The Naiad Within

Chapter 5

            After the commotion and confusion around the Stone Table had dissipated, Lucy decided to give Peter some time alone so she went to look in on the young maiden Edmund had brought back. Lucy had taken an instant liking to Ava. She wasn’t sure why exactly, but she felt drawn to Ava. Lucy hadn’t yet heard the story of how Edmund had met Ava, but she was anxious to; she had an inkling that there was more to Ava than what could be seen.

            As Lucy neared the room where Ava was sleeping, she heard the desperate pleadings of a father.

            “Ava, please wake up. I’m right here, Ava. Please, my child it is a dream. Wake up.”

            Lucy quickened her pace and jogged into the room, where she saw Ava thrashing about on the floor and whimpering. Dr. Cornelius was holding one hand while avoiding the swings of the other.

            “What’s wrong?” Lucy asked.

            “I believe she is having a bad dream, Your Highness, and I cannot get her to wake.”

            “Oh dear.” Lucy rushed to kneel at Ava’s other side. She grabbed Ava’s swinging hand and held it tightly. Lucy looked down at the anguish filled face of Ava and saw beads of sweat glistening in the torch light. Lucy placed a hand to the young maiden’s forehead.

            “She feels almost feverish. She’s not ill, is she?”

            “No, Your Majesty. At least I do not believe so. She was fine just a moment ago.”

            Lucy looked to the corner of the room and saw a small basin of water. She quickly rushed over and brought the basin to Ava’s side. Lucy tore a small patch of cloth from the neighboring bed and soaked it in the cool water before placing it on Ava’s head.

            “Has this ever happened before?” Lucy asked.

            “Yes, when she was younger, but never this bad.”

            Lucy grabbed Ava’s hand again and called out gently to her. “Ava, it’s all right. We’re here. We won’t let anything happen to you. You have the power to end this, Ava. All you have to do is open your eyes.”

            Suddenly Ava let out a frightfully piercing scream as she bolted upright and her eyes sprung open. She tore her hands away from her father and Lucy and grasped at her heart. She felt all around her chest and abdomen as if looking for a wound which did not exist. She panted heavily as she tried to catch her breath.

            A few seconds after Ava screamed Edmund rushed into the room with his sword drawn. Behind his kingly mask of fierce determination, which showed any fiend that he was ready for battle, was great concern. His dark eyes searched the room frantically looking for the cause of such a terrible fright to cause such a scream, but he saw only the maiden Ava, his sister, and the old professor.

            Edmund looked further upon Ava. He knew that she was the one who had screamed, for he knew the sounds of his sisters’ screams all too well. Ava’s eyes were wide and glossy with fear. Her golden hair was matted about her face, and her forehead glistened with the sweat it bore. She clutched at her chest with her hands as she gasped for breath. Caspian entered the room soon after Edmund had; his sword was also drawn and he looked about the room in much the same manner Edmund had.

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