Part 124

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Jungkook was in his office, totally engrossed in some files when a knock sounded on his door. 

"May I come in sir?" Came the voice of his secretary Mrs Yun. 

"Yes" Jungkook replied without looking up from the files. 

The door of the cabin opened and Mrs Yun entered the cabin holding a tray full of food. 

"Sir, I brought your lunch," she told her boss. 

"Yes Mrs Yun, please keep it on the table I'm coming in a minute" Jungkook told her. 

Mrs Yun did as her boss said, placed the tray on the coffee table. Soon Jungkook came and started having his lunch while Mrs Yun kept standing there watching over him. 

Once Jungkook was done eating everything that was placed on the tray, he looked up at his secretary and gave her a sweet smile, "here I'm done and as you can see I ate everything you brought. So now you can report back to your real boss and please put in a good word for me" he told her. 

Mrs Yun grinned hearing his words, "don't worry sir, I will surely do that" she cheekily replied and picking the plate started leaving the cabin and at that exact moment her phone rang. 

"And there calls the boss," Jungkook chuckled, pointing at her phone. 

Still grinning Mrs Yun received the call, "hello Taehyung..shi" she said as she exited the cabin. 

"Hello Mrs Yun" came Tae's voice from the other side, "did you give Kookie his lunch? Did he eat it? He ate all of it right? He didn't leave it half eaten like the other day right?"he bombarded Mrs Yoon with all the questions at once. 

"Yes Taehyung..shi, I gave sir his lunch and he ate it all, I was standing there the whole time as you instructed, so he ate everything in front of me" Mrs Yun informed her boss's pretty spouse.

"Ah that's a relief" Tae sighed, "thank you so much Mrs Yun for your help, I don't know what I would have done without you" he told her. 

"Please Taehyung..shi, you don't have to thank me for it, I'm just doing my job" Mrs Yun said to him. 

"I know that Mrs Yun but still thanks for doing this for me, taking care of Kookie's lunch. Knowing my careless husband, if not for you I'm sure you would've kept skipping it. So thank you so much, I'm really grateful to you." Tae told her, his voice full of sincerity. 

"Well in that case I accept your thanks, you are welcome Taehyung..shi" Mrs Yun replied. 

"Okay Mrs Yun I'll hang up now, my friends are waiting for me" Tae said and after cutting the call he went back to where his friends were waiting for him to have lunch. 

The thing is, lately work has been very hectic in Kim Enterprises because the government project that it is working on, is in the last stage of getting complete. So everyone is really busy there, Jungkook even more because he is the team leader of that project and also because there are some other projects on which he is working. Nowadays he leaves home early and returns rather late making Tae worried about overworking and also not having his meals properly. There's a day when left his lunch half eaten and on another day he skipped it all together and when Tae got to know about it he decided to take the matter in his hand. So he instructed Jungkook's secretary, Mrs Yun to serve him lunch everyday on time and also make sure that he eats it all. Everyday at lunch time Tae calls her to know if his careless bunny had his meal properly or not and today also he did the same. 

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