Part 32

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When Tae came back from school, he was greeted with the sight of  Jungkook sleeping on the living room couch. His upper body was on the couch while legs were hanging down, sleeping in a awkward position while the TV was on some random match going on.

Tae shook his at the sight "look at him sleeping on the couch. So much for taking rest" he thought exasparated. He turned the TV off and went to his room.

He came back with a blanket and pillow. He made the other guy sleep properly on the couch, put the blanket on him and placed the pillow under his head.

As he was placing the pillow his face came quite close to the older's. He looked at Jungkook's sleeping face. Eyes closed, lips parted a little his bunny teeth poking. He looks quite cute Tae thought. He then started studying the older's face up close. There is a scar on his left cheek, a beautiful mole under his bottom lip.

Tae found himself fascinated with marks on the other boys face. He started touching them gently, first the scar on the left cheek then he traced all the way to the mole under the bottom lip. Then his lips followed the same path. First he scar then all the way to the mole.

As he kissed the mole Jungkook stirred a little and Tae stilled. He suddenly came back to his senses and realized what he was doing & to whom. He placed his hand on his lips and stared wide eyed at the sleeping boy.

"What the hell are you doing Kim pervert Taehyung. Touching & kissing a sleeping person. That too Jungkook. What would he think if he finds out what perverted things you are doing to him. Are you out of mind?" He beat himself mentally. He just ran to his room. Busy in scolding & chiding himself what he missed to see is the smile that had bloomed on the sleeping boy's lips when he had kissed him.

A loud thud woke Jungkook up from his nap. He sat up startled. He noticed he's sleeping on the couch. He remembered falling asleep there while watching TV. But he clearly remembered he didn't bring blanket or pillow then how did he wake up with those? Then the answer came to him "Tae" he thought.

Another sound brought him back from his thoughts. He got up went in search of the source of the sounds. He reached kitchen.

He stared wide eyed at the sight in front him. His whole kitchen is in mess. There were eggs shells, broken eggs, vegetables, flour, oil, souce were scattered everywhere. A burning smell hit his nose that he guessed coming from the pot that was on the stove. And in the middle of all this mess is standing Tae, covered in flour, looking like a lost puppy.

As the initial shock passed Jungkook started laughing, he laughed hard holding his stomach. Well you can't blame him the whole scene is indeed funny.

While Jungkook was busy laughing he suddenly heard a sob. He stopped laughing and looked at the other boy in the room. To his horror he found fat tears leaving the younger's eyes. Tae was sobbing standing in between the mess he made.

Jungkook immediately rushed to the crying boy "hey Tae don't cry" said but the other boy kept crying "I'm good for nothing. I can't do anything right. I'm useless." he said sobbing.

"Ssh baby don't, don't say like that. You are not useless trust me you are not" he older tried to sooth the crying boy.

"Really?" Tae asked him like a innocent child.

"Hmm really"

"Then why did you laugh? You were laughing at me because I can't do anything I know"

"No, no baby I wasn't laughing for that. I laughed because you looked cute standing between all this mess like a lost puppy"

"You are mean" Tae hit Jungkook's chest with his tiny fists.

"I'm sorry baby.  I'm really for laughing at you" Jungkook said, cupping Tae's cheeks and wiping  tears gently "please forgive me"

"Hmm okay I forgive you" Tae said sniffing.

"Thanks baby. Now tell me what are you doing here?" The older asked.

"I wanted to make dinner. You are not well so I thought I'll make dinner for you. B...but I can't even do that. I..I messed up everything" Tae again started crying.

Jungkook felt his heart melt, hearing the younger's words. Tae wanted to make dinner for him. This thought made him feel elated.

"Hey baby please don't cry again. It's okay. It happens sometimes with me too. I too sometimes make mess. You don't have to cry for that" he said while wiping Tae's tears.

"You do?" Tae asked looking at Jungkook's face.

But boy that was a wrong move, looking at the older's face. Because as Tae looked Jungkook's face, he noticed the mole under the older's bottom lip and he remembered what he did earlier. Tae felt his cheeks heating at that memory. Thank God his face was covered in flour or else Jungkook would've surely noticed it.

"Hmm I do" Jungkook answered his questions "now you go take a shower and clean yourself till then I'll clear all this" he further added.

"No I did this. I'll clear it" Tae didn't agree with Jungkook.

"It's okay I can do this." Jungkook tried to make him understand.

"I'll help you then" Tae told the older stubbornly.

"Aah okay" Jungkook finally agreed and they started to clean the mess.

It took nearly an hour to clean all that mess. By then even Jungkook  was covered in different type of things. So not only Tae but he also had to take a shower.

After taking shower Jungkook came back to kitchen and started making pasta. Well they need to have dinner.

When Tae came back after taking shower he found Jungkook in kitchen cooking. He felt bad seeing it. The older was ill just the day before. Tae was supposed to take care of him. But there he is making dinner for them.

Jungkook smiled seeing Tae there and said "you came. I'm making pasta for dinner. Just wait a little it will be done soon."

"Kookie we could have ordered something. You didn't need to do it. You are not well" Tae told him.

"No eating too much outside food is not good. And I'm okay now, trust me. It's a simple pasta, I can do this much. Now come let's eat its ready." Jungkook said.

So the couple sat and had their dinner. After dinner Tae helped Jungkook in Washing the dishes. Though the older tried to say that he doesn't have to do it but one glare from Tae and he shut his mouth, letting the younger do whatever he wanted. Thankfully Tae didn't made any mess while doing it.

After cleaning and drying the dishes they went towards their room to retire for the night. Just when Tae was going inside his room, Jungkook called him. As Tae looked at the older's face Jungkook came close to him and kissed gently on his forehead just like how did that morning and said "goodnight baby"

"Goodnight" Tae somehow managed to say before rushing inside his hiding his red face.

Jungkook smiled a little seeing the younger leave and then he too went inside his room.


Thanks for reading. Hope you like it.

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