On a Diet

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Chapter 13


After their Sunday ice cream, Hoseok and he had parted ways; the excuse being the workload for Monday but both knowing that the slightly intimate and emotional conversation had left an awkwardness between them.

Hyungwon had immersed himself in his current project as soon as he had come back home and by the time he had taken a break, it was already Tuesday night.

He plopped onto his bed and watched as the time changed to midnight on his phone, signaling it was already Wednesday. Hyungwon sighed and put an arm over his eyes; he could feel the sting of his sore and abused eyes, begging for rest; his shoulders strained with so much tension, and the temples of his forehead throbbed in pain.

Despite it all, he unlocked his phone and opened up Instagram; mindlessly scrolling, his fingers stopped as he came across the picture of an individual that he had tried to keep his thoughts off the past two days.

It did not help one bit how provocative the picture was, he couldn't help but zoom in to try and see the details.

It did not help one bit how provocative the picture was, he couldn't help but zoom in to try and see the details

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_ur_wonhot_ I may look serene, but on the inside, I'm dying for a bowl of ramyeon. :( I hate diets.
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_wonhoe_2305 Noooo T_T baby come here, I'll give you ramyeon!
user15689 fuck beauty standards, let this king be!
iamim Oh stop being such a baby! It's only a week!

As he was reading the comments his eyes caught on a username that looked familiar to him. He was about to click on the profile when a shrill ring came from the speakers of his phone.

He cursed loudly his phone slipped and the corner smacked his lip.  He grumbled in pain as he reached to answer, taking a look at the caller ID beforehand. "You better have a good reason to be calling me right now."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sugar lips! What's got you all riled up?" Hyungwon felt the beginnings of a growl start in his throat.

"Jackson, I'm not kidding, I've been up for more than 48 hours, I'm not in the mood."

Hyungwon could hear the amusement in the other man's voice, " Alright, alright babyface, settle down. Minnie asked me to phone you to tell you he lost his phone and if you could come and pick him up.  But seeing as you haven't slept a wink, I think I'll just take him home tonight."

Hyungwon sighed and rubbed his temples as the throbbing pain got sharper, " By taking him home I hope you mean bring him here and not take him to yours."

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