Dinner & a Ride

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Chapter 17


He leaned against the window of Hyunwoo's car, once they had left X Studio, Wonho had left in his car and Hyungwon rode with Hyunwoo. 

Hyungwon hadn't even noticed that he hadn't said a word the whole ride until Hyunwoo spoke up.

"Did something happen?"

Hyungwon didn't turn towards his friend, merely said absentmindedly, "Hoseok confuses me."

Hyunwoo turned towards him as they were waiting at a red light. "Confuses you how? Do you like him?

This time Hyungwon turned to look into the eyes of his childhood friend, not an ounce of judgment in them.  Hyunwoo had always been the one person he could spill his heart out to, ever since they were kids; he was, dare he say, the only person who really knew him.

He pondered over the question, wondering if he could like someone after only having met a few days ago. They did talk almost every day, even if it was just mundane and Hoseok had called him about five times during the two weeks they had been talking.

Hoseok was fun, talking to him was a picker-upper, and being able to laugh and joke was a highlight of his day but....did that mean he liked LIKED him?

"I...think I do, but I don't know if it's actually like or it's because I've been lonely for so long."

Hyunwoo stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking, "Maybe you just like him as a friend?" The light turned green and they started moving again.

"Yeah, maybe..." Hyungwon turned on his side and brought his legs up onto the seat so he was facing Hyunwoo. "I think it's more like, he's my type and I could totally like him but I enjoy him as a person so much that I don't want to like him."

"Because liking him means wanting a relationship?"

Hyungwon nodded, "And wanting a relationship means it will get complicated, complicated means I have a high chance of fucking things up, and I don't want that."

"Mm," Hyunwoo nodded his head in understanding, "Things do tend to get complicated when it comes to Hoseok."

"Oh?" Hyungwon unfolded his legs and sat back normally on the seat, "Talking shit about him, are we? Do tell?" Though he said it with sarcasm there was actual and honest curiosity in his voice.

Hyunwoo shook his head, "No, not shit. Just the truth. I've known him for some time and relationships aren't really his strong suit."

"Yeah...I kinda figured that out today."

"You mean Ren?" Hyunwoo took a right and drove into the parking station of a tall glass building.

"Yeah...he seemed nice enough to me but he really doesn't like Hoseok."

Hyunwoo expertly parked his car into a free spot and turned the ignition of the car off. "Ren was Hoseok's first attempt at a serious relationship, unfortunately, he had to suffer the consequences of a teenage boy who didn't even know what he wanted out of life. But at least after that Ren found Baekho and Hoseok decided to swear off serious relationships."

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