Chapter 2

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"Hello, am I speaking to Zodwa Gumede?" Asked a male voice on the other end of the line.

"Yes." Replied Zodwa taking a sip from the cup of tea while sitting on the wooden kitchen table chair that cracked under her weight.

"You are speaking to Mr Zondo, I am Mr Andrew's lawyer your ex- husband."

She chocked on the tea and started coughing almost spilling the tea on herself, she quickly placed it on the table spilling some of it.

"Are you okay Miss?" Asked Mr Zondo concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She took a cloth and wiped the tea that spilled on the table.

"I am calling to tell you we need to arrange a meeting with your lawyers to discuss the custody of your son Xola Andrew. Mr Andrew said he-"

"No need to tell me what Samkela said, I will let my lawyers know, they will give you a call." She hung up before he could say anything else.

She released a frustrated sigh running a hand down her face, slightly throwing her phone on the wooden table.

She knew that son of a bitch wouldn't let this go, she knew he would do anything in his power to get Xola, she knows he knows she doesn't have enough money to afford a suitable strong lawyer to fight Mr Zondo.

She felt powerless against him.

She felt like punching a fist through a wall. She felt like burying herself in tears. She felt like giving up but she wasn't going to that. She was gonna fight for her son no matter what.

"Do it for your son." She murmured to herself.

The only thing that was keeping her from breaking down and giving was her baby. If it wasn't for him, she would have gave up a long time ago.

She got up, not feeling like drinking tea anymore. She took the tea and poured it in the sink.

She opened the fridge finding nothing but jam, half full jug of juice and 1 tomato.

She released a frustrated sigh running her hand through her hair.

She took the jam out, spread it on 2 slices of bread, poured the juice on a glass, placed them on the table.

"Xola food is ready!" She uttered standing at the bottom of the staircase that lead to the bedrooms.

No answer.

"Xola!" She uttered once more.

Still no answer.

She released a sigh going up the staircase.

She knocked on his room door, "Xola come eat."

No answer.

She slightly opened the door finding him sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, not moving, his eyes on the blank wall in front of him.

"Xola." She whispered going closer to him but he still didn't answer.

She tried to look at what he was staring, she saw nothing but a wall.

She swallowed a lump that was forming in her throat, "Xola?" She whispered quieter as she got closer to him.

She glanced one more time at the wall. Still she saw nothing.

She slowly placed her hand on his shoulder, "Xola?"

Xola jumped and started screaming immediately her hand touched him.

"Xola! Xola! It's okay!" She uttered trying to hold him.

"Don't hurt me please!" Cried the boy.

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