Chapter 3

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AN: I know my updates are late, sorry for that:( .....from now on I update every 1 or 2 weeks on Thursdays:) I promise.

Now turn off the lights! Get in your bed! And read!



She looked at him with horrified eyes.

"It's just a dream."

She squeezed her eyes shut and open not sure if she's still dreaming or not.

She pinched her arm hard and hummed feeling the pain, realising she's no longer in a dream.

"What time is it?" She asked throwing her blankets to the other side of the bed.

"It's morning mommy and I'm hungry." He pouted folding his arms on his chest.

She frowned, "It's already morning?"

"Yes and I'm hungryyyy." Whined the boy.

"Okay, I'll make you food." She said while yawning.

The boy hopped behind his mother to the kitchen.

She flew the fridge door open. She closed her eyes and released a sigh, "Baby are you too hungry?"

"Uhm...I am hungry but not too hungry." He replied trying to get on the wooden chair that was taller than he is.

She drew in a deep breath, released it then put on a smile. She closed the fridge facing her son, "Guess what." Trying to sound excited.

She always tries by all means to shield her beloved son from seeing her struggles, she always wants him to live a happy, joyful life without having to worry about anything.


"Aunt Zimi is coming with your favorite meal!"

"Spaghetti and meatballs?" He asked excitedly.


"Yay!" Celebrated the boy jumping up and down, throwing his arms in the air.

Zodwa glanced at her happy son with worry in her eyes and a worried smile.

"Oh how I wish I could give you the life you deserve" She thought.

"Let's wait for her, okay?"

"Okay." He ran up the staircase to his room.

She sighed running a hand through her hair while dialing Zimi, "Hey friend."

"hey! How are you?"

"Uhm, we ran out of food can you bring us some or just send money please."

"Yes, yes, sure. I'll just buy you some, I was already on my way there anyway."

"Thank you sweetheart."

"No need to thank me, but you're welcome." She hung up.

"I need to get a job ASAP" She muttered to herself.


"Is anybody home?!" Uttered Zimi entering the front door.

"Yes!" Uttered Zodwa running out the laundry room to see her friend standing in the front door frame with grocery plastics on her hands.

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