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Yes. Dearest reader, this premise is absolutely crazy. I know. I'm aware of it.

I know it's weird, but it will be fun so bear with me, ok? Please!

This is not a crack fic. I'm gonna take this idea seriously and it'll be full of angst, and fluff.

Plus obviously humor and jokes, because let's face it:
if someone you thought was scary as fuck, was suddenly turned into the 12 year old version of themselves and couldn't even reach the higher cabinets, but was still trying to look scary,
You would laugh too.

That's basically what will happen here. Plus some closure for the Mikaelsons, and some reconciliations too.

I promise this will be fun.

TW for violence, child abuse (mentions/ depictions), swearing, gore and other things.

As always I'll put warnings at the beginning of each chapter if there's anything I think might be triggering.

ALSO! In this version of TVDU, Mikael was never physically abusive towards his children. He still yelled a lot tho.

This work is dedicated to the amazing deviously_innocent
For being fantastic and putting up with me and my crazy ideas. Thank you. I love you ❤️

Comments as usual are incredibly appreciated! AND THEY MAKE ME UPDATE FASTER
I hope you enjoy this one! Happy reading!

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