Chapter Two

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"Fuck, my legs are hurting. I'm done with the number of rounds we had to do today." I whined, sitting down at the hospital cafeteria and Grace copied my actions, placing our coffees on the table.

"For starters, you shouldn't have worn those wedges." She laughed at my whining and I stuck my tongue out at her in a playful manner. 

"It was pretty good actually. I mean, we could get used to this and it's definitely not bad for our first day." I spoke, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Yeah and I think Dr.Brew has the hots for you." She winked at me suggestively and I rolled my eyes.

"He isn't my type but he seems nice though. I wouldn't mind if he is my mentor." I shrugged casually and pulled out my phone to check my messages and emails. 

"Let's see what happens. Also, we are meeting this guy around 7 ish tomorrow. We would be done for the day by then, right?" she asked, busy typing away on her phone.

"Yeah sure." 

"Cool, see you tomorrow then. I'm gonna take a cab." 

"Shut up. I'll drive you home." 

"You can't drive me around every day, Lu. It's totally fine." She argued back but I shook my head firmly.

"I'm driving you home. Period." I stood up and she had no other choice but to agree with me.

I can be stubborn as hell if I want. 

Once I was back home, I changed out of my work clothes and took a nice hot shower to relax my nerves. After putting on a loose t-shirt with nothing underneath it except for my panties, I walked over to my kitchen to cook some dinner. I put on some loud music and started to chop some onions. There was something comforting about being alone but at the same time, I do find myself wishing to come home to a loving boyfriend once in a while. That wouldn't be so bad but was I even ready for relationships?

The only serious relationship I ever had was in high school and I ruined it because of Theo, my childhood friend/enemy. The last time, I saw him was during my senior year of High school when he came home from college for his sister's wedding. He wasn't exactly the Greek god type but there was something sexy, alluring, and enticing about him that made me want to kiss him back when he kissed me. The silly crush I had on him since childhood didn't help that situation either. 

That bastard!

We were not on talking terms after the fight we had in childhood. Why did we even start kissing in the first place that day?

Was he back in New York?

Ugh! Why was I even start thinking about him now?

I shook my head and tried to focus on my cooking when I heard a loud knock on my door. I turned off the stove and walked towards the sound of it. I was almost about to open the door but stopped myself when I realized I wasn't dressed appropriately.

"Who is it?" I asked, placing my hand on the door and resting my ears against it.

"I live just across the hall and I heard that someone new moved into this apartment two days back. I thought of stopping by to say hello." A deep sexy masculine voice resonated through the door which sent tingles down my spine. 

Oh, wow!

A hot neighbor? Maybe!

Damn, why didn't my door have this peephole?

"Umm....that's really sweet of you but could you maybe come over another time or something? I'm not...uhhh..well dressed?" I replied which almost sounded like a question and I could hear his deep laughter.

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