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Hongjoong stared at the wallet like it'd offended him somehow, turning it over and over in his hands.

Park Seonghwa.

That was the name of the most popular boy in the university, and also the name of San's best friend, the one who'd called him 'pretty'.

After he'd found it, Hongjoong had put it in his pocket and taken it home with him, not sure what to do or how to give it back to its owner.

He threw it aside and rummaged in his closet, looking for something to dance in. Yunho had said he'd swing by to pick him up at 7:00, and it was - shoot, it was 6:50. The brunette grabbed the first shirt he saw and threw it on, not bothering to change his pants as he quickly packed his bag, hesitating when he saw the wallet on his desk.

What were the chances of bumping into the boy again?

Hongjoong shook his head and put on his hoodie and a bucket hat, then rushed downstairs just in time to see Yunho pull into their driveway.

Yelling a quick goodbye to his mother, he flung open the door and got into the passenger seat of the car, surprised to find Yeosang and Wooyoung sitting in the back.

"Hi hyung!" Yeosang grinned while Wooyoung gave him a small wave.

"You guys are coming? Since when?"

"We're not actually gonna do anything."

"Correction, Sangie isn't gonna do anything. I thought I might as well try." Woo shrugged before catching the ultimate look of betrayal on Yeosang's face.

"You snake! You said you'd just watch with me!" Sang hit him on the arm and pouted. "Now I have to dance too and everyone here knows how bad I am at it!"

"Sangie, it's okay, it's not like Jongho is gonna be there to watch you-" Wooyoung got cut off by a finger flicking him on the forehead and yelped "Appa, he hit me!" he whined to Hongjoong.

"You did kind of ask for it though." The brunette turned around to look at the two and caught the smug look on Yeosang's face. "But Yeosang-ah, it's really not like Jongho's going to be there."

"Stop mentioning him! I don't like him! He's a jerk!" he protested, but the blush that stained his cheeks told a different story, making the three other boys laugh.

"You're blushing, Sangie." Yunho chimed in.

"Shut up, hyung. At least I don't have the world's most obvious crush on a fuckboy." Yeosang shot back while giving a not-so-subtle glance at the boy beside him.

"Kang Yeosang, you'd better take that back!" Wooyoung yelled, just loud enough for everyone in the car to flinch.

"It's true though, why don't you tell the hyungs about that one time -" Wooyoung clapped a hand over his friend's mouth and glared at him. "Don't you dare, or I'll tell them about -"

Yeosang's eyes widened and wrenched Wooyoung's hand off his mouth. "Jung Wooyoung, don't even think about that!"

Hongjoong and Yunho were both laughing, enjoying their friends' drama.

"Hey, is this incident you're talking about that one time San waved and Woo thought he was waving at him so he waved back? And then turns out San was waving to his friend behind him?" The brunette asked.

Yeosang burst out into laughter as Wooyoung's face flushed a deep scarlet. "Hyung, how do you know?"

"Oh, I was there when it happened. And Wooyoung-ah, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens all the time. San also mentioned it to me when he got home."

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