chapter 2

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Zhan Xiao is an orphan at the age of 18, his parents was murdered  but the police said that’s its a car crash they never found the suspect or solved the cased that killed his parents. He was adopted by Mr.Jiang who was the closest friend of Zhan’s  parents. Mr.Jiang has a daughter named Yanli and a son named Cheng.They accept him like their true brother.  When they was a small kid they always played together, his parents sometimes visit their house or vice versa that’s why they easily accept him to be their family.

When Zhan graduated at college he put up a small business out of his parents money. While  working as a part time job in a advertising company.

At the cafe.

"Zhan! All the orders has been  delivered," Yanli said to Zhan while his fixing the counter table. They sometimes help him managing the cafe

"Oh! Thank you jie(jie means big sister), we really have so many orders today". Zhan smiled and handed Yanli a new bake cup cake. Zhan is the one who bake’s everything in the cafe. And yanli is incharge of the counter.  

"Is it ok that your here all day?! You don’t have work today?!" Her jie ask him.

"Its my day off today, so its ok for me to be here." Zhan answered. Zhan spend his time in his cafe, since he doesn’t like to go out.  

"A-Zhan, A-cheng will drop by here later he will help you. Since im going home early."yanli said to zhan,  

"Its ok jie,you can go home now i can take care of everything. Nothing to worry". Zhan smiled to her shejie, reassuring her jiejie that it is fine for her to go home.

"Miss yanli im still here so boss zhan will be fine". Lilie said one of zhan's crew of his cafe. They have two crewmate one in the counter and one for the dinning area.  

"Shejie you can go home now, im here already". A-cheng said right after he arrived. A-cheng, brother of yanli he is an intern doctor of wang hospital manage by hai kuan."Fine im going home right now take care everyone.'Yanli said and leave the cafe.

"Here!." A-cheng handed zhan a medicine that came from the hospital where he work at. "What should i do with this?!" Zhan asked while looking at the medicine. His heat cycle has not yet come.

"Aish! You need to take this, even your not inheat, this is not a suppressant ok. This will control your pheromones." A-cheng explain it to zhan. They're both omega though they are not a blood related But a-cheng still cares for zhan."The hospital where i work at was providing us that medicine, since some of the workers their are omegas and  some of them are alpha or betas." Cheng explain and leave Zhan in the counter.

Its already 7pm in the evening, and everyone in the cafe are busy. They decided to close the cafe early than the usual time. Because  one of Zhan’s friend Jili, asked them to hang out together with Jiyang and cheng.

"Whats with the sudden nightout?" A-cheng ask zhan. While wiping the table

"Maybe he just miss us all,thats why he called us for a nightout. We use to do this thing when we're in university. And we stop hanging out when we started to work." Zhan smile to cheng, and walk back to the kitchen.


Meanwhile Yibo was invited by his cousin to a party he decided to show up for a change wearing a black suit his bored at the work also.When he arrived at the party his cousin Hua Xuan saw him and coming closer to “Wow! This is surprising the cold CEO Wang Yibo is with us tonight” Hua Xuan said while laughing at him “you keep turning down our invitation telling us that you have so much things to do at your work. And now here you are joining us here."Hua Xuan said while panting the shoulder of Yibo.

"Im not in the mood to joke with you xuan, so stop annoying me before i rip your head out." Yibo give a warning look to xuan, who is still laughing. Xuan and bowen laughed at Yibo he haven’t change a bit he’s still the coldess guy in their group. "Yibo don’t be so harsh, we're just happy to see you." Bowen explain "We keep inviting you, and you always turn down our invitation not once but 3x" he wave his bottle of beer. They’ve  been friend since in their college days. Yibo is the youngest but the dominant alpha in the group. " That’s enough! here i bought more beer for us don’t spoil the night." Kuan interupted and slam the bucket of beer in the table. "That’s what i like you cousin, you really love your friends. You spoiled us with so much beer" Xuan laughed

Yibo's group was now enjoying the night, drinking and talking. When suddenly Hai Kuan ask Xuan about their other friend Da Ge. “Xuan i didn’t see Da Ge tonight, where is he? Is he still on his mission?!  "Nope! He arrived this afternoon, the mission is successful." Xuan said. " We're all free right now, will be staying here in China for awhile we don’t know yet when we will be having a mission" Bowen smiled. Bowen and Da Ge are working as a secret agent managed by Xuan, "Well  that’s nice to hear we can meet up every now and then." Hai kuan raise his beer, Yibo and the rest of the boys raise their beer up high. “Cheers”

Yibo always ask xuan for security assistant every now and then. Even his brother hai kuan is collaborating to xuan, he own a pravite hospital in beijing. And xuan's men was guarding the whole building. Yibo is one of the richest alpha in china, hai kuan and yibo along with his cousin are part of the royal blood alpha.

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