Chapter 36: Time for action

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Lena could not recall when she had seen Kara that upset at her.

The disappointment in her eyes . . . that was real. Not like the act she put on at the D.E.O. the other day.

She knew that Alex was going to get as far as she could as soon as possible, and she hoped that the Superfriends were going to succeed.


She'd known that Lena was already way too deep into this, but she either had a plan for when her alliance with Maxwell Lord goes awry, or she had chosen him over their friendship.

Her alliance. She hadn't discussed this with Kara. Or J'onn. But at least she got Alex to safety. Even so, trust was still an issue.

Maxwell Lord had proved an unlikely ally in the past, but would he still choose the alien team?

Not wanting to think about it further, Kara flew off in the direction she'd seen Alex take off.


Alex pulled the bike to a halt and turned, grinning as she spied the familiar flying female silhouette. Kara.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine."

She looked around, "Wh-where's Mon-El?"

"He's gone to find J'onn and the others."

Kara breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to bring up Lena.

"Right. Speaking of J'onn, we have something cool to show you!" Then, without warning, Kara pulled her sister into the air and flew.


As they landed, Alex took in her surroundings.

"A library?"

Kara looked beyond excited. "Not just a library . . . look!"

As if on cue, a hidden doorway opened up and J'onn stepped out. "Alex. I'm so glad you're safe."

"Did Mon-El make it here?"

"He did."

Alex looked around her in awe. "Wh-what is this?"

"This is our new base. I call it: The Tower."

Alex walked around. The panels and screens perfectly hidden in such a location. Then, she spied the buttons. "No way! Is this how you're going to call us?"

"Yes. And also, Brainy and I made you a new suit."

As Alex walked towards the case that housed a blue and black suit. "This is awesome!"

As she proceeded to put it on, she was surprised by how she looked.

"What can it do?"

"It can summon any gun based on your will."

[A/N: Don't question it. That was what I got from watching the show.]


"Now that that's out of the way, we need to make a plan to defeat Lex and Leviathan."


"You're telling me that Maxwell Lord offered you an alliance?"

"You accepted it?"

Alex shrugged. "It was our only option at the time."

Kara gave a low growl. "I still don't trust him."

Alex frowned at her sister. "You never did, and you don't have to trust him. We just need to work with him."

"And if he hands us over to Lex and Leviathan?"

"If he wanted to do that, he would have done it long ago. He would never have let Lex transfer us over or allowed us to escape."

"Fine," Kara sighed, "but if he betrays us, it's on you." And Lena, is what she didn't want to add.

A voice emanated from the doorway. "Are we late to the party?"

Alex glanced over her shoulder. "N-no. You're just in time."

Kara watched from a distance as her sister was pulled in for a kiss by one of the women, then an awkward handshake with the other. "You're okay."

"Of course I am. I'm Alex Danvers."

Kara barked out a laugh. "If you're done flirting over there, would you mind coming over so we can finish up with the plan?"

"Right. Of course."


He couldn't recall how long they were standing around that table discussing battle plans.

Mon-El was pissed and tired and wanted to go after Lex and Lillian Luthor.

Just as they were ready to drift into the blackness of sleep, the ground rumbled, startling those who had already collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"What was that?"

"It's Leviathan. They've started."


"It's going well."

"Thank you. They won't know what hit 'em."


A/N: This is where the fun begins. Leviathan has struck.

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