Prologue: The Meeting

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Krypton. The planet with lawyers, doctors, scientists. The light from the red sun poured onto the surface of the planet. The Kryptonians were anxious, scared about when the Daxamites would arrive.

On Daxam, it was a world of parties, where they celebrate every occasion. Every occasion except this.

The War of Sisters. A war that Krypton and Daxam, the sister planets, had been fighting for years. The only thing they acknowledge each other of was the sharing of their red sun.

Days ago, the leaders of Krypton, Alura In-Ze and her husband Zor-El, had sent a message to the rulers of Daxam, Queen Rhea and King Lar Gand. They had met up in their ships, where they agreed, the rulers of Daxam would stay with the leaders of Krypton for a week, and the leaders of Krypton would in turn stay at Daxam the next week. This is to allow each other to experience their way of life.

Initially, the Daxamites were against it, but as many of them saw no point in the war, they soon accepted it.

On the other hand, the Kryptonite were more than happy about this as they had wanted peace.

Alura and Zor-El were standing at the porch, where the Daxamite ship landed.

"Queen Rhea and King Lar Gand," Alura gave a deep bow, "Welcome to our humble abode."

"Don't flatter yourself, darling," Queen Rhea took it upon herself to 'inspect' the place, "What kind of abomination of a castle is this?"

Alura sighed, "Well, come in..."

As Rhea walked into the house, she was amazed, "The size of this place is even larger than my throne room!"

Alura smiled, showing the King and Queen of Daxam to their room, "You'll be sleeping here, and would you rather your son sleep with you or alone?"

"Mon-El? He should learn to sleep away from us. But maybe, he can sleep with someone?" Rhea inquired.

"Of course," Alura nodded, "He can sleep with my young daughter Kara. They can play together as they are both 13."

"Now that that's settled," Queen Rhea said, "can we get on with the meeting?"

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