Chapter 26: Dreams Come True

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"Your family was lovely, Kara."

"You only met my Mother."

A sigh. "At least you knew your parents. I never knew mine."

Kara clicked the 'autopilot' button and swung around in her chair. "As I said before, we are here. We can be your new family."

The monitor suddenly beeped, and Kara looked at it. "Looks like there's something wrong in one of the rooms."

"I'll check on it!"

Both men sprung to their feet, but Kara looked at them. "I need to speak with Mon-El. Privately. Go on ahead, Halk Kar."

She knew them all too well now. She didn't want either of them starting a fight for no reason and destroying the ship.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

"Mon-El . . . Halk Kar is my friend, too. I would really appreciate if you would not start fights with him."

After about ten minutes, there was a soft and barely noticable thud as Kara looked over the monitors. "He's been gone for quite a while now. We should go and check to make sure everything's alright."

They walked over to the door, Kara pressing a button to open it.

Mon-El looked at the creature. It was on top of Halk Kar, and Mon-El leaned in closer to touch it. "No, Mon-El, don't-"

Another one sprung out and attached itself to the Daxamite. Kara knew them all too well. Black Mercies. But how did they get on board?

Luckily for her, there were only two, and Kara closed the door.

She rushed to the panels. "A-Alex?"

"Kara? Kara, what's wrong?"

"Somehow, two Black Mercies made it on board. You'll have to pilot the ship remotely back to the D.E.O.. By the way, is there anywhere I can lay them so I can somehow enter their dreamstate?"

Following her sister's instructions, Kara brought them to a room and lay them on the chair. Then, she herself lay in the middle and placed the headset on.

"I'm going to save you."

She was going to have to enter two minds - switch between Mon-El and Halk Kar.

It was going to be a challenge, no doubt.


Mon-El awoke in a room. His room. This was Daxam.

But Daxam was destroyed, wasn't it?

"Hey, sweetie." He propped himself up. "How was your sleep?"

The person that stood there was the love of his life. The undeniable beauty.


"I had a strange dream," Mon-El scratched his head. "Krypton was destroyed. Daxam was a wasteland. We live on Earth."

"Earth? That primitive planet? Why in the world would we go there?"

"You were a superhero. We are superheroes."

"Did you bump your head, dear?"

"Tell me where we are."

"We are on your homeworld, honey. Daxam. Nothing was destroyed. The prediction was utterly incorrect."

Mon-El reached up to wipe his sweat away. Maybe the whole thing was a dream. He could remember everything. His first kiss with Kara, his marriage with Kara . . .

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