~Give Your Uncle Arthur A Kiss~

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Chris, Alex, Mallory and Jennifer all stepped inside of one of the station's studios, greeting Steven inside. He was preparing the pledge drive along with his co-workers, one of them being 'Uncle Arthur' as the Keatons called him. Chris was excited to be there, since it was her first time seeing the station.

"Hey, Kids ! Where've ya been ?" Steven asked, smiling at the 4.

"Down the hall" Jen answered, "Alex stopped off to watch 'Wall Street Week'."

She then walked over to Arthur, embracing him in a hug. "Oh, how was it ?" Arthur asked with a smile, looking at Alex.

"Well, I found it a little simplistic. But I guess it's okay if you're an average broker" the boy responded, shaking the man's hand. Arthur's eyes landed on Mallory next, smiling at the girl.

"Mallory ! Look at how much you've grown !" Arthur exclaimed, keeping the smile visible on his face. His eyes shifted once again, landing on the shorthaired girl. "And who might this beautiful young lady be ?"

"I'm Chris. I live with the Keatons" Chris said, waving awkwardly, sending a smile his way.

"Very nice to meet you, Chris" Arthur said, taking the girl's hand, about to kiss it. She pulled it out of his grip, smiling awkwardly.

The kids walked over to a table nearby, checking some papers and what not. The siblings were chatting while Chris sat silent in thought. 'Why was he about to kiss my hand ? Is it normal to do that kinda stuff here ? Am I overthinking this ? Probably. He seemed like a nice guy..' she thought, before Alex snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Hey, you still alive over there ?" he asked, looking at her indifferently.

"Huh ? Uh- yeah. Just.. Thinking, I guess" Chris answered.

"Uh- Alex ! Would you mind going over and picking up these clips of these shows ? We're doing a retrospective on the last 15 years" Arthur called out and Alex agreed to do it, taking a note from the man's hand. "Those film cans are very heavy"

"Jennifer, maybe you should do it" Alex said, holding the note out for Jennifer to take.

"Okay, we'll all go help" Elyse said, standing up along with the others.

"Why don't you 4 go, and me and Chris'll stay here and handle the phone calls" Arthur said. Elyse looked at the Chris who just shrugged, agreeing.

Chris looked down again, finding herself drawing on a piece of paper. She could feel eyes on her. And it wasn't the usual stares she would get from the republican. This was a new pair, and she knew who it was. Chris moved her gaze from the paper up to the owner of the eyes. Arthur.

"I'm sorry I'm starring, Chris. You just look so familiar to me" he said

"Well, you might have met me when I was younger. My parents would often visit the Keatons. They were good friends" Chris explained, fiddling with the pen in her hand.

"You mean the Andersons ?" the man asked, and the girl nodded, "Yes, that's why I've seen you before, you look a lot like your father. They would often have a baby with them, which I'm guessing was you. God, has it been that long ? How old are ya now ?"

"I'm 16" she answered simply.

"No, ya can't be !" Arthur exclaimed, only for the girl to confirm that it was her age. He walked around the table, kneeling in front of her. He took her hands in his own. Chris felt uncomfortable. There was something off about the man. "Now, before we start working, why don't you give your Uncle Arthur a hug ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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